LOG; this is what they're calling fate; DES + MAEVE

Apr 26, 2007 00:46

After Des has left Kay's hospital room.

Maeve hadn't left the hospital since she'd brought Kay in. Even if neither she nor Thomas knew she was there, she just couldn't. It had been her fault, even if she got Kay to the hospital. It had been her idea, but now, she couldn't figure out why. She hadn't been the pro-active Angel, she'd never wanted to hurt anyone, she...

There was just the pollution people made to go there. What controversy the park symbolized, what...

Holed up in a waiting room in the next wing over of the hospital, she sat picking on a sticker that was half-loose, staring at it, her head going in circles. She hadn't picked up her phone since she'd hung up on Des two days earlier.

He was not lost in the hospital. He was not lost in the hospital. He simply... got distracted listening to the nurses whine about Kay Matthews and her bitchy demands, and found himself in a completely different directon than he'd meant to go.

And, not having much else to do, he took his time trying to find the exit.

And nearly had a heart attack when he saw Maeve curled up in a waiting room.

She didn't notice him at first. People kept passing her anyway, and she didn't pay attention. She wasn't even really sure what day it was, or how long it had been since she'd eaten. It wasn't important.

She stopped picking at the sticker, hugging her knees as she shifted her head to stare ahead of her, her eyes settled on him. Maeve's heart leapt in her throat, and then she looked away, ashamed.

Was he rooted to the ground? It certainly felt like it when she looked his way. Des took a deep breath and moved to take a seat a few away from her.

"... Have you been here the entire time?"

She nodded after a few seconds, hesistantly, not looking at him.

This was what wasn't supposed to happen, this was... How could she explain this to Des? How could she explain it to anyone? Was there really anything to explain? She was an Angel. It had been a barrier.

But Kay. Kay was...

Des got up again and moved closer, sliding an arm around her shoulder and stroking her hair with his other hand. He couldn't think of a single thing to say, though.

That was all she could take before she let her legs slip down on the floor, burying her face in her hands and leaning against him. She hadn't cried since coming here, but she couldn't stop it now.

He held her close, mumbling it was okay when they both knew it wasn't.

Maeve shook her head at him, repeatadly. Her crying didn't stop for a while, but by the time she'd finally stilled, she spoke, for the first time in days, her voice raspy. "... how's Kay?"

He tucked a strand of her hair out of her face, not letting go.

"Reading tabloids and driving her nurses crazy."

She nodded, biting her lip. She knew she hadn't died, but she couldn't get the image of Kay suspended above ground, with... with... through her, and. Her grip tightened on his shirt.

He shifted a little bit closer, holding her tight. "... let's go home, Maeve."

She nodded after a while, pulling away from him. "... I didn't want this to happen." She could at least tell him that first, though.

Des let her go, just looking at her for a few moments.

"I believe you."

des lawrence, logs, maeve ahearne

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