Mar 11, 2007 22:40
WOW okay Cara sure messed that one up or really I kinda messed it up but how is Cara supposed to know what a computer was or is isn't it funny how things work like that all she said was the BOX and so here I thought I was supposed to find that silly little thing but that's all fixed now! We're here we're here and we're all caught up and wow looks like she was right and EVERYTHING.
Oh oh oh HELLO EVERYONE my name is Pascale but sometimes Cara talks instead of me but really you can call me Cara or Pascale either way you'll get one of us and we'll make sure to let you know WHO you're talking to or maybe you'll even figure it out after awhile since Cara talks like an old lady and I don't THINK I talk like one and now she's angry at me for calling her old but come on when you die at age 90 you're old no matter WHAT way you put it am I right or am I right? We're in Rio de Janeiro right now and I'M a dreamseer but Cara's not because Cara just knows EVERYTHING about ANYTHING and helps me figure out what my dreams mean and sometimes she even tells me stuff BEFORE I dream which is cool and creepy all at the same time but it's REALLY REALLY useful. I grew up in Maine really really close to Canada and it was really pretty and stuff there because it's full of trees but different kinds of trees than this but Cara's from France and she speaks French mostly because she thinks English these days sounds stupid but she doesn't really say stupid so much as lots of other words that can be summed up as stupid.
cara edith,
pascale edith