(no subject)

Jun 25, 2007 23:24

[filter: private / language: hebrew]

Haha kill myself. Good one. Fucker thinks that's not part of this? He's got no clue about any of this. None of them do. Fucking idiots. Does he think I wanted to end up like this? Must be fun to get to be a good guy. Wonder if fate gives you a pair of tights and a cape to go with the moral highground bullshit.

I don't mind it. Not really. I'm glad it was me, instead of someone else, almost. I'd almost feel like I was sharing Michael with someone else otherwise. And better me than some person it'd would really hurt to have to do these sort of things. And at least now I get to really live before I die, instead of in my sleep crushed by some building.

[filter: Jerusalem Angels / language: english]

Sorry for the short notice, but what about the 28th? Tower of David museum. If any of you can't make it, I understand, but only if you've got somewhere else to be that you absolutely can't get out of.

[filter: Elijah]

Can you keep them off of us?

[filter: public]

I'm bored. I've reread Ender's Game and Mary Stewart's Merlin Trilogy (why is it a trilogy if there's four books?).

I can't believe I'm admitting it, but I actually miss having something to do like work or school.

samail hyme

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