Jun 11, 2007 18:33
[filter: private / language: hebrew]
It's so freeing to remember that I don't have to go to class tomorrow, or a job. I didn't realize how tired I was of all the day to day crawling until all this, but it's a blessing, really. All this time I've felt so dead inside surrounded by the rest of the blind as we went in circles in this little rat maze.
Allegory of the cave indeed, Plato you fucktard. But he's right. I've spent my life staring at little cave shadows and wondering what the hell they meant, and now I've found the exit. It took having every little stupid meaningless thing that I thought was my life getting torn away from me, but this is more than any of those things were.
I wasn't put here to be a goddamn health science major or a cashier or my father's son, I'm here to blow this shit away. I'm the goddamn boogeyman. And that's something, right there.
Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. Bitches. xD
samail hyme