Apr 10, 2003 04:04
so apparently leslea, my babys momma, has explosive gas right now....the tears are running down my face....i cant decide if its from the laughter or the horrible, horrible smell....you know, you wouldnt think that someone so pretty could do something that smelled so foul, but she can and she does, frequently....so i hung out with kymm today, you remember, my sister kymm, well anygays, i love kymm, ALOT, and im not just saying this because i know she'll read this eventually, im saying it because i mean it....and, ok, i didnt want to talk about this, but leslea REALLY wanted me to so here i go....so just a few minutes ago, i walked outside to get my bookbag outta my car, and when i walked back in, i couldnt see leslea, so i was like...."leslea?"....and then i just happened to look down and this bitch is sitting in this little yellow plastic chair in the living room, right next to the pussy(my cat with the massive balls)and she starts bustin up laughin....apparently she thought this was way more entertaining than i did, ok, it was pretty funny, but not as funny as the time that i seriously stood outside the elevator at school for about five minutes wondering why the damn thing didnt come....then i realized that i hadnt pushed the button yet....yeah im quick, i know....oh shit and the really funny part of that whole elevator incident was the fact that, when i pushed the button to actually call the elevator, it was at the same floor as i was....the doors just opened up right after i pushed the button....goddamn bitches i tell you....so, thats my update for now, i gots to go get naked and lather myself up all nice and squeaky....so, until we meet again my friends....