(no subject)

Jun 16, 2009 18:34

"Man never rushes forward so confidently, it would sometimes seem, as when he is on the very brink of the abyss." Irving Babbitt

Heat = lethargy. All I do is sleeeeeep... I'm in one of those spats in which I feel I am a spectator to my own life. I have no self control. I'm sick of me! I really am.

But I won't let me get in the way of how great the world is. The nighttime is amazing.. So is the morning. So are lilies and ice cream street vendors and window planters full of flowers..

This same ice cream vendor I spied walking up to what I assume to be his lovers porch with a fist full of gladiolas he plucked from someones garden. That sight was priceless and filled me with great hope for the world.. It can't be all that bad...

"He feared me, I was a Mephistopheles masquerading as a conservative. I defended the past because once it had been victorious and had brought something beautiful to light; but I had no clear expectation of better things in the future. He saw looming behind me the dreadful spectres of death and of truth." Santayana

Ah Iran ! If only you were as oppressive as people claim you are! You need to take a page from us and our allies play book and be relentless on your enemies.You need some secret stealthy security apparatus to swoop in and crack down on your opponents who you've demonized as terrorist. Look at how our ally Egypt runs elections...Or better yet our greater ally Saudi Arabia ...oh wait they don't have any.....

Right before the elections in Lebanon a few weeks ago the US lobbied hard, sending Biden and Clinton to the country, on how they wanted the elections to turn out. And low and behold they turned out exactly as they wanted! Same thing happened during the color revolutions of the former eastern bloc nations in which we pumped hundreds of millions of dollars to "pro democracy" groups in those countries to make sure things turn out our way... And yet you hear absolutely no cries of foul play because America can do no wrong and if she does do wrong, like invade countries for no reason, it's for the best reasons or inadvertent consequences resulting from the best of intentions. America is an imperial power whose only concern is not freedom or democracy or any of that nonsense.. It's out for one thing and that's power, world hegemony...We are on the verge of a complete global totalitarian order.... FUN STUFF!

"Rousseau and his disciples were resolved to force men to be free: in most of the world, they triumphed; men are set free from family, church, town, class, guild; yet they wear, instead, the chains of the state, and they expire of ennui or stifling loneliness."

Iran was my only hope for the world!!! Now all that's left is North Korea! And it's hard to lend support to a brutal national totalitarian state but even that has a greater chance of beauty and redemption than the coming global totalitarian state.Which will be just as brutal. Think of that comment by Madeline Albright, who came from the enlightened liberal Clinton administration, about the 500,000 Iraqi children the U.N. said died because of the harsh sanctions we imposed upon them:

We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

To which Ambassador Albright responded,
I think that is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it.

I can't think of anything more evil. And they all think like this!

If our freedom is so good and nations like Syria and Iran so bad why have millions of Iraqis fled "free" Iraq for that axis of evil nation Syria?

And some might say "John! Why are you bitching? You don't have it so bad!" You are right. I have it good. But I'm not in any way resisting.Those people and nations that do, eventually get bombed to smithereens. And that's not to say things won't get worse here among us docile sheep. They more than likely will. I am reminded of this passage from Pascal's Pensees that sums up our situation currently:

"Are you less of a slave for being liked and flattered by your master? You are really well off, slave, your master flatters you! He will beat you in a while."

People are not content with power.. They eventually want to see people suffer!

"In a nation where the few who really rule must get some show of popular consent, a special class arises whose function it is, not to govern, but to secure the approval of the people for whatever policy may have been decided upon by that inevitable oligarchy which hides in the heart of every democratic state. We call this class of men politicians." Will Durant
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