Because of one of Liz's Recent Posts...

Sep 20, 2005 18:42

I decided to do a meme... because I clearly have too much time on my hands. And it was good.

1. You

2 Your boyfriend or girlfriend

3 Fave Clothing

(If I could wear it I would.)

4 Fave Jewelery

This looks pretty neat.

5 ONE fave music group

6 ONE fave album

7 Year You Were Born

8 Pet

(r.i.p. aug 31st, 2004)

9 Siblings

(Rachel, 5 yrs--I don't have one of Sarah)

10 Fave Comedian

11 Fave Actor

12 Fave Actress

If anyone gives me shit about this, I'm fucking socking them in the nuts. Even if they don't have nuts.

13 Fave Season

14 Last Movie You Saw In Theaters

15 Fave Snack

I added an additional question at the end. I felt weird ending on 14.
*shrug* it took a while. I didn't realize how many pictures I don't have loaded anywhere :P
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