350 lb man named Bubba

Jul 25, 2005 15:01

I keep getting up late because I don't want to face the rest of the day. I'm extremely excited and happy about going back to school, and yet terrified because I don't want to have things happen in the manner that they did last time when I left for Bloomington-Normal.

Dad and I ate at a Denny's when he first took me out around to look at the campus, and we set things up like where to live, when I'm going to register, etc. This time I don't even know if my parents are coming with me the day I'm leaving for move-in, which is a week prior to the actual move-in date; I was told by SAMI that I could move in up to a week before hand without paying anything, so I plan to do this, and to get all that needs to be done DONE in one week's time.

This means not TOO much sleeping in, a credit card that isn't mine, and the aid of a few close friends who also wish to partake in hardcore-Natalie time. Hardcore-Natalie time means you're living at MY place. This isn't like Chateau Fisher where you were spending time at my parent's house, it's actually my apartment that I will be abiding in for around 9 months. Wow @_@.

However, as James is too childish or too pratty to really interact with me at the time, I've slumped below his level on calling him out in livejournal, where other people can see the talk between him and I because 1) nothing gets done via phone, and James is the kind of guy who doesn't mind hanging up on someone; infact, he threatens with it. 2) I have not seen James since the Oasis concert where we had fun half the time, when he forgot the other half of the time that I was actually his friend and not his girlfriend. I mean, afterall, isn't that what it comes down to?

I feel stupid. Everyone around me... my parents, people at work, even Jake who'd only been dating me for two days at the time... didn't tell me "Hey isn't that a bad idea? You know he's only moving in with you because he thinks that you two will get back together." The most that was said on this topic was: "Oh? That's... interesting... you think that's wise?" and when I'd inquire about why they thought it wasn't, they'd say "nevermind," or "maybe I'm just being paranoid." Something to that effect.

I thought James was above that. In my mind, I placed him higher than him assuming I'd date him if we were living together. I'd assumed that he was, in all honesty, completely and totally into the idea of him and I being best friends. It turns out that I was wrong. That the "best friend" that I had was only my "best friend" not because we've been through a lot together, no. And not because we've known eachother for almost four years... of course not. He was my "best friend" and lied to me about being such because he thought that it would get him back with me.

And I, the amazing, gullable, naive Natalie Fisher did not see this.

Yes, I'm very upset with myself. Infact, I'm upset moreso with ME than I am with HIM about the entire thing. As far as I'm concerned, now that he has shown his true colours, it's just a slap in the face to me and my 'talent' of reading people, showing that I really don't know as much as I think I do.

So congratulations to James on pulling the wool over my eyes. On presenting himself falsely as an admirable individual when really he's no better than Keith, Chris, or any of the other simpletons.

The next move in the game of Natalie's Numero Dos 2005 is this: GET THIS THING IN ACTION. /I/ need to get a sub-leasor. James is taking too fucking long and he's dicking around with it. I don't want to be held accountable for his irresponsibility; I have enough of my own to deal with.

If he was planning to do this the entire time, he should have done it two months ago when things started getting gross between the two of us because he hates Jake for some unknown reason (and by unknown obviously it's because Jake is with me and he isn't). Why? At this point, he would have been able to find a ripe sub-leasor... he would have had choices to make, and could have actually found a good replacement roomie for himself. Now, however, 2 and a half weeks before move-in date, he is choosing to look and knows that it doesn't matter who he finds, because unlike a "best friend" and much more like an "adversary," he is going to pick the first person who comes along because there may not be a second.

This could lead to one of four different conclusions:

1. The Bubba Ordeal
This is where a large 350 pound african-american guy (who I want to call Bubba, but his name would probably be like, Charles or something cool) would come around. This guy would want to play his ridiculous bass all day and night, and have at least 7 people a day come over, staying over until 3am, and drinking illegally in my abode. He would probably be a nice guy, just not suited to my type of partying, much less LIVING. This could also do with a different version; your ordinary college male. He may not blast bass that is R&B or Rap, but he'll blast his crappy pop rock like NEW Green Day or 3 Doors Down. (Note: I would still want to call him Bubba.)

2. The Slightly Sorority Sister Ordeal
Think of the same problem, except with a trashy whore type 100 lb girl who might seem very nice on first approach, but who could probably be the antichrist and wouldn't understand the term "Videogame console." NO SUSAN, PLEASE DO NOT SET YOUR RUM ON MY PS3. THANK YOU. She would also bring folks around that I would not want to interact with. I don't even want to think of the side effects. I'd probably murder her.

3. The Mikey the Hermit Ordeal
Totally different problem. This guy would also bitch about rum being set on his PS3. But he's a gamer type who's never had a girlfriend. Suddenly by the grace of god, this emo kid that he found in the paper is going to rent out his apartment space with a 21 year old college girl. Think of the wonderful times he could have living in a house with her. She's a gamer too, that'd be hot, right? And the guy would wank everynight to me. I'd probably catch him pulling out my hair from the drain and tasting it or something sick like that. Yeah that'd be gross. Coincidentally, as a gamer, he would not leave the house.

4. The Druglord Ordeal
I get stuck with this dude who deals anything from weed to opiates and pills and the like dealing in our place. Not cool.

Other than these four typical ideas, I'd probably be cool with the person I'm living with. I can't see having a problem with an artist. Artists are cool. Musicians too, almost in the same field, but party more. A theatre kid simply wouldn't be at the house much... I mean, I could go on and on. The fact of the matter is, James dealt his ace. He's doing what he's doing no matter what, and I won't have any say in my roommate. That means he never should have said anything in the first place.

I have attempted to call James 3 times. Only on the text that I sent him did he respond back to did he call me back. He threatened three times to hang up on me and finally did because he didn't like what I had to say.

He kept telling me that this is all "his problem" but when I called SAMI, they haven't heard from him yet, and he is 330 dollars off on the account. He needs to pay his bill. If he doesn't, it makes me look bad to them, and I have actually been *shock* keeping up on things thus far.

Anyway, the point is,

I'm upset and he needs to grow up.

oh, also, Matt rules.
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