The 10K

Sep 20, 2010 10:18

I'm doing a 10K on Oct. 3 with my friend Shari (and possibly some other 5Kers for part of it). Never done one of these before. And hell no, I ain't running it. I got the chondromalacia patellae, don'tcha know. Well, now you do.

So I'll be walking it while Shari runs it, and then she'll run on back and walk the rest of it with me. Meanwhile, I'll be walking part of it with someone with whom I was in a wedding party a year and a half ago and some people she works with. But they're doing the 5K and I'm doing the 10K, so our paths will diverge soon enough, sadly.

What charity are we running for? I don't know. Yet. But I do know that The Course is slightly retarded in parts. Why the hell should we take Madison to State when we can just as easily take Hoover? Etc.

Since I walk 7-8 miles a day as it stands, 10K (6.2 miles) shouldn't be too much of a stretch, except for one thing: I always walk in shifts, usually only 3-4 miles, tops. And now with my orthodics not fitting my shoes and buying 4 different pair in size 13 (taking 2 back) since size 12 were too tight and not buying the beautiful, brilliant, butterlicious SAS that they actually make in a 12 1/2 because they're onehundredandseventyonefuckingdollars, it's a race (Ha!) against time to find shoes that will fit my orthodic without my big toe flappin' in the breeze. I've tried leaving in the original insoles and putting in gel insoles and just about everything except front-half insoles which I'll prolly do today whilst consulting my local foot doctor, rena_titanon.
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