
Jun 18, 2010 14:50

Ever since I started walking regularly and lengthily last fall, people have been asking me the same question: "How many miles do you walk?" I've never really had a good answer to that question, as I've always just been counting the amount of time I walk and transferring that into Activity Points (which is a Weight Watchers thing). Anyway, I have this pedometer that tells me how many APs I have, which means I no longer have to tally up time. It also tells me how many miles I've walked, which is why I can now tell you that . . .

I walked 50 miles last week. I guess that's kind of a lot. I didn't set out to walk that many. I wanted to get 60 Activity Points, and it just so happens that 6 APs roughly translates into 5 miles. So there you have it. I'll try my best to keep up this pace and eventually go beyond it. We'll see how that goes. As of right now, I'm walking about 7 miles a day. I say that for clarity, since I told this woman about the 50 miles yesterday and she said, "Really? How many a day?" Well, I suppose I could walk 50 miles in one day and take 6 days off, or do 25 miles one day, 3 days off, and then another 25-mile day (etc.), but I figured I'd go ahead and split it up evenlyish.

Also, I've determined how I may well meet my demise: I will be hit by a car. I do my best to make sure that the people sitting at lights or stop signs make actual eye contact with me so that they know not to drive forward until I have passed -- and so far I've been fortunate -- but man, there have been some close calls. Sometimes I wonder if Chucky Pancamo has put out a hit on me.
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