An open letter to my good self.

May 23, 2007 10:54

Dear 'Dark and Twisty Jacob,

You are not Dawson, or Meredith Grey, or any other television drama character.

Not every emotion has to be accompanied by a driving and searching monologue filled with life affirming or edifying witticisms.

Not every interaction requires a delicately prosaic and deeply enrichening and soul-deep truism.

You can say things like "Thank you, that made me feel good" in EXACTLY that sentence. There is no need to say "The abyss of my darkness has been replaced by the beacon of your Wella Bronze/Platinum 23 Hairdye and the shimmering radiance of your words" or any other such verbose, hyperbolic or grandiose piece of self-obsessed elitist drivel.

There is no need to make up words, words like 'hyperbolic'

This is just life.
You are just a person. A real person. A normal person. That brooding look you do? Yeah, No. Doesn't work. It makes you look constipated.

Now talk like a normal person and stop trying to make your life an entertaining and catharticaly confronting experience for some imaginary spectator.

Got it?

Talk normal.

Good boy.


Normal Jacob.
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