Apr 16, 2008 18:38
So, to shift gears a little here and get out of the whine intense posts, I have some good possiblities on the horizon. It's all still WAY up in the air so nothing is final yet, but there are things to hope for.
The make-up school I was bitching about a few post ago, the one in Florida, well it turns out my parents actually know someone who lives there and might let me stay with them for the three to four months for make-up school. Now, I still have to e-mail her and even see if it's possible. Then, I would have to contact the school and get up to date info since all of the prices are from 2006. They only let 18 people in per group, but they start new ones every month I believe. So, let's hope this will actually pan out.
If I could go, it would be so great. It would be just the break and change of pase I need. A chance to get away from eveything and everyone for a while.
make-up school