Jul 17, 2008 10:24
I think I finally realise why I messed up so badly the previous times I took the bar. The first time, I didn't study, so thatw as no mystery. But the second and third times, dammit, I did! But the problem was, I did not really learn the PA distinctions. I knew all my common law/majority-view rules, but wasn't able to pinpoint how PA differed from those. I know it's bloody stupid to anyone reading this - how in hell did I not know to study those?? Well. Beats me. This time around, I'm doing a lot more essay questions and writing out both the rule to be followed on the MBE, and the rule that will be followed in PA, regardless of whether they coincide or not. That way, it reinforces the difference/non-difference of the rules to be followed for both days of the bar.
I have been mighty stressed about this whole process. So is everyone who is taking the bar, of course. But the problem in my case is, I have other stresses. I had to scurry around and get my visa just to get to the States. I had to figure out my plane tickets, which, believe me, was not an easy process AT ALL. I had to figure out my work schedules. And then I had/have to deal with the stress that I have finally, totaly and completely, lost Othello. I found out a few days ago that not only has he lost all his feelings for me, he is also in a relationship with someone else. It hurts, but you know, it was probably the best thing for me to hear because it has forced me to move on, too. Given me the closure I needed to shut the door on that chapter of my life. It was/is painful but also necessary.
So amidst all these stresses, it's almost like studying for the bar is a place of refuge. That alone is within my control. When I get stressed or hurt thinking of the other things, I grab the nearest bar book and throw myself whole heartedly into the rules governing contract remedies. When I inevitably think of how much I miss Othello, I instead force myself to think of how easements are formed. When I lapse into moodiness because I feel homesick for Philly, I burrow further into how PA does not have criminal battery but instead simple and aggravated assault. And when I think of how I have so successfully screwed myself over in life - career, relationships, money - I desperately focus all the more on the dormant commerce clause and the substantial nexus aspect of it.
In a very perverse way, I will miss studying for the bar.
bar 2008