Due to the fact that Luts doll prices are going up 10% in a few days I'm skipping Amelie for the moment and ordered Naas. He's a white
Chiwoo, I've wanted one for about a year now, although this totally changes the run of my story. I'm going to get him dark brown eyes and I'm not sure about the wig color yet. He's not coming with make up, and no one on the forum seems to be Chiwoos right now, so hopefully he'll come as fast as Sera did (6 days!) I don't have any pants that will fit him so
safety_blanket is going to make him some of her amazing fit-anyone-like-heaven jeans ^^ I ordered six pairs of Artistique eyes so that I can figure out what color of nice eyes to buy him that much faster.
Gothy nighty
Zombie child!
The complete Lindsay ensemble
New pants! A bit baggy, but she wanted to sag them anyway.
Lindsay used flexible material
But this is the downside of them being baggy -
Omake: Ice cream at a picnic.
Her excellently made special-order pants came from