Features: [Old] Yukio (DoD Yen), Mikoto (Cutie Delf Cory)
No. of Photos: 12 + 0
Yukio: /Let's play a game, Mikoto-chan./
Mikoto: /Okay, Yukio-'jisan./
Yukio: /Know how to play/ hide 'n seek?
Mikoto: *confused* /What's 'haidonsiiku'?/
Yukio: /Umm . . . it's pretty simple, you count to ten--you can count to ten, right?/
Mikoto: *beams* /I can count to fifty, Yukio-'jisan!/
Yukio: /. . . right. You count to ten and I hide. Then you try to find me./
Mikoto: /Okay!/
Yukio: / . . . . Start counting--and count slow!/
Mikoto: /Ichi . . . ni . . . san . . . ./
Yukio: . . . gotta find a place to hide. Ah! That looks good enough . . . kid'll never find me.
Yukio: I should have time for a good nap >D
Yukio: . . . /there. *snickers*/
Mikoto: /Shichi . . . hachi . . . kyuu . . . jyuu!/
Mikoto: . . . so now I just have to find Yukio-'jisan.
Mikoto: !!!
Mikoto: /Red!/ Just like Yukio-'jisan's pants!
Mikoto: /Umph! It's too high ;___;/
Mikoto: /Could you help, please?/
Mikoto: Sankyuu~! ♥
Mikoto: /I found you, Yukio-'jisan! ♥/