I heart the market! And when there is no rush, because Len's Mill Store is closed on Canada day, I can just go and chill for AS LONG AS I WANT, and I don't even have to go there until ten in the morning if I don't want!!
Last night I went to Sam's (
escoe's) b-day party. I took Ana, which I thought might not be fun for her, but I think she had a good time. There were a lot of awesome people there, and most of them were drunk or stoned or a combination thereof, so it was pretty hilarious. Haha, everyone kept asking Ana how to say stuff in Spanish, like "I want to eat your pussy" and stuff. Hahahaha, oh man.
ANYWAY, this big hilarious ass was there, and he showed us this AWESOME website called "Pandora Radio". All you do is enter the name of a musical artist or a song, and they pull up a bunch of songs that are musically similar to that. It is Right On.
Go here and live in awe.