
Oct 14, 2009 11:27

I have been kicking a bunch of computers out of here this week. I started Monday with a full bench - 7 desktops and 4 laptops - plus 9 desktops on the floor and 4 laptops waiting. I'm down to 9 desktops total, plus 5 laptops. And a lot of those desktops are dangerously close to being done.

I'm also working on three stitching projects. One is the knotwork pattern for our wedding next summer. That's going to take a while. I've been working on it off and on since August. I figure it will be done in March. When I take a break from that, I work on smaller projects for my friends and family. I have two of those in the works right now, with the materials for another two waiting to go. All but the marriage pattern are video game sprites and/or geek related.

This is a guy named Hechter that Joe requested. I'm hoping to have it done by his birthday in two weeks. It's about a 5 x 7 size.


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