+ A P P L I C A T I O N +
p a p e r - w o r k
Put an [X] next to the option that applies to you
Please stamp me as a [X] male character [] female character [] I don't care
Please consider characters from [] the games only [X] the entire Resident Evil universe (e.g. books, movies,..)
If this is a reapplication and you do not want to receive the same character again, please tell us who you were stamped as and why they don't match your personality.
b a s i c s
Name: Brandon Perez
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Name three of your likes: Comics, METAL!, and Martial Arts
And three of your dislikes: Fakeness, Player Type People, and Punk Ass People
Now three words to describe you: True, Family Man, Protective
Now count to three and while you're at it, make sure you've read the
community rules and voted on
all the unstamped applications available. Ready? Excellent! Moving on...
p e r s o n a l i t y
Strengths: I'm easy to talk to, trust-worthy, sensitive, and serious when I need to be, and a fighter when felt imposed.
Weaknesses: TOO SHY!
Something unique about you: Hmm... I guess the fact that I know a lot about a lot of things.
Are you more of a leader or a follower? A leader all the way.
Would you consider yourself intelligent? Not really, but only in certain fields.
Would you consider yourself brave? Yes
Do others consider you intelligent? LOL! NO!
...or brave? Yes.
t h i s - o r - t h a t
Pretend there is a 'why?' at the end of each of these.
Mature or Immature? Everyone always tell me that I'm more mature for my age, I even feel like I'm an adult trapped in a younger body or something like that. People even say that I'm a very wise person when it comes to many things.
Confident or Insecure? Well I can say both. Only because when it comes to publically presenting myself out there, I can be insecure but confident at times. And there are certain things that I am very confident in doing rather than being so insecure about it.
Logical or Emotional? I would have to say both on this one as well, because I put my logic into my emotional decisions and thoughts when people ask me for help of for anything that I do really.
Idealistic or Materialistic? I think I would be more on the idealistic side, but it's never wrong to be materialistic from time to time when you need to be you know?
Communicative or Reserved? Hahahah! Both! I'm more comfortable talking to the people that I know already but I guess if I needed to, I can socialize with others as well. I'm more reservered when I socialize with people that I dont know that aren't like me.
Hero or Villain? Psh! Fucking hero dude!
Light or Darkness? I'll have to say both on this one as well. Just because when I'm at the boiling point, there aint nothing holding me back from steaming it out you know?
Friendly or Cold? FRIENDLY!
Stable or Unstable? Stable
s c e n a r i o s
You are stranded in Raccoon City and you can only carry three items around with you. What do you take and why? Bowie Knife, Shotgun, and a Radio. Shotgun for the big crowds and bigger creatures, knife for when I'm empty on shells, and radio to keep contact with survivors and the outside world.
On second thought, let's strand you in a nicer place. How about a tropical island, 100% zombie free? Hmmm.. I guess you can say a Radio, a Raft, and some Food!
Which three items would you take there and why? A Rambo knife, Compass, Soccer Ball. The knife would be for self defense and starting the camp fire, compass for where the hell I'm going, and a soccer ball so I wont be lonely! XD!
Your friends find a large mansion in the woods. Curious you guys decide to check it out, but as you start to wander the hallways you encounter monsters beyond your wildest nightmares. As soon as you and your friends try to run back outside you're immediately assaulted by more grisly creatures. With your mobile phones conveniently gone dead there's no way to just call for help. What do you do? Look for the nearest blunt object or anything that I can use that will penetrate the skull.
Umbrella Corporation gives you a job to do and in turn will reward you with quite a large amount of money. Do you take it? FUCK NO!
You see some creepy undead monsters chasing the person you hate the most: Do you save them? My dad taught me to let God deal their fate. So of course I would save them, and if they die in my attempt to do so then it was their time to go.
Overall, what do you prefer: knife, handgun, machine gun, shotgun, sniper rifle or rocket launcher? Damn this is a hard one.. I personally would have to say a machine gun only because they're more portable and quicker to reload. Gotta think fast and practical.
e x t r a
If you want to, post a picture or description of yourself: Chubby!! XD! Long hair and some acne.
By the way, which ONE Resident Evil character do you consider yourself least like and why? I guess I can be more on the safe side and go for Leon, only because I know I wouldn't be as beast as he is and shit. XD!
Any suggestions for the community? None that I can think of at this moment
Anything else you'd like to say? [Rock.In.Peace.] Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan and LONG LIVE THE DEATHBAT!!!