EDIT: I just added a note here and there to clarify some points, because they seem to have the biggest impact. Let that not change the votes already there! <3
+ A P P L I C A T I O N +
p a p e r - w o r k
Put an [X] next to the option that applies to you
Please stamp me as a [] male character [x] female character [] I don't care
Please consider characters from [] the games only [x] the entire Resident Evil universe (e.g. books, movies,..)
If this is a reapplication and you do not want to receive the same character again, please tell us who you were stamped as and why they don't match your personality.
b a s i c s
Name: Julia
Age: 18
Gender: female
Name three of your likes: art, shooting/firearms in general, parkour 8D
And three of your dislikes: boredom, inability to practice my hobbies, large insects
Now three words to describe you: considerate, ever-changing, persistent
Now count to three and while you're at it, make sure you've read the
community rules and voted on
all the unstamped applications available. Ready? Excellent! Moving on...
p e r s o n a l i t y
Strengths: I am a very brave (near to stupidity) and reliable person; my best qualities appear in a time of serious crisis. Most of the time I’m diplomatic and logical, I can stay realistic, but sometimes choose not to. I am flexible with my surroundings and behave according to need. All thanks to a dysfunctional family and being the negotiator between two sides. I also love to learn new things, so I guess I’m handy like that.
Weaknesses: Temper; I can stay calm when provoked but at some points I snap. That’s scary. Sometimes, I’m too self-critical and demanding (towards self and others). I can be hypocritical at times, and overly risky. I often put needs of others ahead of myself, without even noticing.
Something unique about you: People often say, I’m a very memorable, cheerful character, I respect moral values, I have opinions on nearly everything and the most random skills. And I contradict myself. A LOT. I don't often look for trouble but it finds me. I don't always mind... 8)
Are you more of a leader or a follower? Leader, I guess... But I am comfortable with following instructions most of the time. Bloody, communist roots…
Would you consider yourself intelligent? Yes, I’ve studied all over Europe and my grandfather makes an emphasis on having wide general knowledge. I’m quick to grasp concepts.
Would you consider yourself brave? Due to all I have been through, yeah, I’d say so. It usually comes through best when I’m with someone I need to protect or if there is someone who is inspiring me to be that way.
Do others consider you intelligent? "Yup." XD
...or brave? “More like… risking.” My friend is playing Heavenly Sword next to me :) She witnessed me get into a fight with a guy two years older than me and a head taller…
t h i s - o r - t h a t
Pretend there is a 'why?' at the end of each of these.
Mature or Immature? Varies. Depends on mood, doesn’t it? Now mature, tomorrow going to go insane. Mostly mature, even when hyper,
Confident or Insecure? Outer confidence, inner insecurities.
Logical or Emotional? Logical, but have my PMSy days.
Idealistic or Materialistic? Depends on mooood. Idealistic materialist, let’s say! ^_^ I'm realistic in expectations from the world, but won't stop trying to improve it, or at least remain my own idealistic character.
Communicative or Reserved? Communicative. Sometimes I can't shut up, I’ll be the first to approach the “new one”.
Hero or Villain? Depends who you are ;) Hero, I guess, I’m a supporter of justice ever since I witnessed the murder of a neighbor and lethal injury of his girlfriend from my window. Kinda put things in perspective.
Light or Darkness? Light in the dark. Can’t appreciate one without the other.
Friendly or Cold? Friendly, I think if you’re nice to people, they’ll eventually be nice to you. Or at least they’ll feel guilty if they dare to pull a trick. EDIT: Mind you, this doesn't mean I hug everyone and lend everyone a shoulder to cry on. Nor that I am a party-monster. :)
Stable or Unstable? Unstable for the laughs, collect myself when required.
s c e n a r i o s
You are stranded in Raccoon City and you can only carry three items around with you. What do you take and why?
A tough man (8D) with a shotgun - With ammo obviously! XD (Basically, any firearms)
Fire axe - you’re not going to look for unlocked doors or fight zombies off with bare hands (unless you’re really damn risky). Or a lock pick/skeleton key in my pocket!
Flashlight - eventually, you’ll need it.
Can I take Chuck Norris with me? I ain’t carrying him, y’know..
On second thought, let's strand you in a nicer place. How about a tropical island, 100% zombie free? Which three items would you take there and why?
Machete - Chop, hunt.
First aid kit - realistically, it won’t help from zombies, but may well help on an island.
Lighter - Fires for cooking food, distilling water, sending OH GOD HELP ME signals.
Your friends find a large mansion in the woods. Curious you guys decide to check it out, but as you start to wander the hallways you encounter monsters beyond your wildest nightmares. As soon as you and your friends try to run back outside you're immediately assaulted by more grisly creatures. With your mobile phones conveniently gone dead there's no way to just call for help (that would be my case anyway). What do you do? Fight for life. Not split up. I always carry around a knife (‘cause I’m paranoid like that), and house-hold objects are pretty handy for self-defense. We’d fight our way to a safe, lockable room, barricade the windows, stay close to the exit of the house and wait until day-time to have some sort of advantage over the creatures outside, they can’t be endless amounts of them and if we stick together - we survive. If someone gets bitten, depending on how long they take to turn, we’ll have to kill them in human form eventually. I hope..
Umbrella Corporation gives you a job to do and in turn will reward you with quite a large amount of money. Do you take it? No.
You see some creepy undead monsters chasing the person you hate the most: Do you save them? unless it’s Faggot Wesker or some other evil bastard, yeah, everyone deserves a chance. I can always kill them later. IF IT'S REALLY THAT BAD.
Overall, what do you prefer: knife, handgun, machine gun, shotgun, sniper rifle or rocket launcher? Sniper rifle. Unlike in games, you don’t need to stare at the optical zoom to shoot close range, and if you get to a safe distance you can secure yourself. All are useful in their own ways, but this choice seems more flexible. EDIT: in VideoGameLand - Shotgun all the way!
e x t r a
If you want to, post a picture or description of yourself:
I have green/blue eyes, dark blonde/light brown hair (used to be waist-length and two months ago I chopped it just about shoulder-length), pale skin. As I mentioned before I'm 5.7 (1.73m, I'm confused by feet!) and I practice Capoeira, so I'm a little bit toned (just that LITTLE BIT). EDIT:
here lies an old photo of when I had long hair, I'm closest to the camera, right corner By the way, which ONE Resident Evil character do you consider yourself least like and why? A zombie! XD Least like Excella, she is too easy to buy…? Basically, admirable character, but there’s that essence of “slutty”, if you know what I mean. EDIT: also her realistically sadistic humor aimed to provoke or self-justify, and general back-stabbing-bitch nature reminds me of an acquaintance I had. Wesker's quite a bundle too, he makes cutscenes painful to listen to.
Any suggestions for the community? Nope, love it as it is!
Anything else you'd like to say? Thank you for voting, in advance! <3