Theme A: Matchmaker Theme

Jun 04, 2009 07:39

M A T C H M A K E R + T H E M E

Before you start, please don't forget to read the community rules and vote on all the unstamped applications currently available.

Name: Rhoda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Would you like your match to be a male or a female character? Male
Do you prefer characters from the games, the movies or the books? Games

Describe yourself in...
...three adjectives compassionate, inquisitive, stubborn
...three nouns books, dresses, happiness
...three verbs dreaming, going, laughing

You’d rather want your partner to be...

optimistic or pessimistic: Mm, I'd prefer a guy who's a realist, like me. Life's not all sunshine and daisies, but neither is it completely depressing and hopeless. Acknowledging both sides of the spectrum is healthy. :3
mature or immature: Haha, he'd probably need the maturity to balance out the times I switch between totally out-there and upbeat to shy and skittish. However, no stiffs are welcome! Maturity is great, but he needs to be able to loosen up and have a good time with me as well.
quiet or loud: Being loud is cool when we're out and having a good time, since I've been known to raise my voice a bit when I'm excitable, but I suppose the rest of the time the level should be kept down to a dull roar.
rude or polite: Rudeness, to me, are the people who sneer and act self-righteous in shopping centres when all you want to do is get through the corridor that they're inconsiderately blocking. Think it goes without saying that I'd want none of that. ;D But some people tend to think that bluntness is rude as well, which I disagree with. Honesty is always the best policy, even if it's hard to take. And since I'll probably be much like that, my match will either have to be the same, or at least be capable of handling my frankness.
violent or peaceful: Peaceful. Save the violence for the undead nasties!
dominant or submissive: Dominant. Haha, I'm pretty shy with intimacy, so he'd have to take the lead where I falter. At the same time, though, I don't want him to be all possessive. I need space to breathe.
selfish or altruistic: Altruistic. Selfishness isn't cool. =(
a leader or follower: I can appreciate a guy who can play the leader, but also knows when it's best to follow someone else at the same time. On that note, it might even be best if he dances to his own tune?
the hero or villain: Everyone's made of enough stuff to do something heroic, and equally capable of performing some kind of villainous act. So we'll say both.
doing lab work or field world: Field world.


Name one quality in a man/woman that guarantees him/her your instant affection. A sense of humour. I love a man who can make me smile. Also, he'd have to be able to take humour as well, no matter how snarky. It's always annoying when people get their feathers ruffled over a simple joke, so to speak.

Name one quality in a man/woman that guarantees him/her your instant rejection. Self-absorbtion. Get that pole out of your ass, boyo, you're not that hot. >.>

Where are you most likely to meet each other for the first time? Haha, I'll bet it'll be classic! Sort of like him turning a corner, all tense and waiting to confront some nightmarish creature in the middle of a biohazard area, and "BAM!" The baseball bat, crowbar or whatever I managed to pick up for a weapon narrowly misses his head, since I mistook him for a zombie and moved to attack. Oops? XD; "Hey there, mister...awful day, huh?"

Who makes the first move? Him. I'd more than likely be too shy and uncertain to start things up.

Fancy dinner time. Who ends up paying? We split the bill! I couldn't possibly ask him to pay for the whole thing, especially since fancy restaurants don't tend to come cheap! But on the same note, it'd be a pain for me to pay for the both of us as well.

Happy Birthday!! But wait, your partner forgot! What now, what now? Even though I'm not really huge on that sort of thing, I'd still be hurt if I didn't even get a simple "happy birthday." That's almost like ignoring me. In that situation, I'd probably give him a call or talk to him and lay on some serious hints about what day it is. If he says that he forgot because he was extremely busy and stressed with work or something of the like, I'd probably let it go with a disappointed-but-still-understanding little smile. But if he doesn't have a good reason, then I'd let him know just how upset I am about it. I wouldn't storm off in a huff or anything; that's just silly, and it's not that big of a deal. Then once he apologises (if he does...) I'd shrug the whole issue off and playfully suggest him making it up to me.

100% genuine Resident Evil scenarios

When the two of you are trapped in a monster-infested mansion, he/she will most likely… Hole up in the nearest room devoid of bloodthirsty monsters and start thinking up a plan for escape while I let my poor, addled mind catch up with me. Realistically, seeing zombies and the many other horrors for the first time would send me into a state of shock after the brief adrenaline rush of running away or fighting them off. Once I've calmed down, he'd give me something as a weapon, check to make sure I'm cool, and then lead us off on our mission to get the hell out of there. He could be safe in the knowledge, too, that after my rather disappointing panic attack over what was going on, I'd be determined to redeem myself by not playing the damsel and working with him on equal footing to fight off the nasties and escape.

You find out that your partner intends to betray his/her comrades/company. Do you support him/her? Try to talk him/her out of it? Tell his/her comrades/company? Do nothing? Or something else entirely? Finding out the why's is always the first step. I'd ask him all the necessary questions, and decide what to do from there. If I thought he had a good reason, then I'd back him up on it. However, if he didn't, I'd try to talk him out of it. And if that doesn't work, then I'd take more indirect methods to stop him from doing something I believe to be stupid. That may or may not include warning his comrades/company.

Your partner announces that he/she will fight injustice and take down Umbrella for good / restore Umbrella to its former glory and take over the world. Your opinion on this? Fighting injustice? Heck yeah! I'd be worried for his safety, naturally, but I'd tell him to go for it if he was really sure. And who knows? I might even ask to follow him into that rather lofty goal. But restoring a company that produces deadly viruses and intends global takeover? Uh-uh. I'd be out of there pretty quick. Okay yeah, I'd no doubt be a dead woman walking for abandoning him like that, but I'd rather die with my morality intact than live in the shadow of Umbrella or the like. Knowing me, though, I'd probably call or write to him still just to check up and see if he's okay. Just because I don't want to walk that path doesn't mean I don't love him anymore, or any less.

Your partner finally believes to have perfected his/her precious virus. However, he/she insists on testing it on himself/herself. In addition he/she needs to remain in cryogenic sleep for 15 years. What do you do? There would probably be that moment of awkward silence after his telling me, and then I do the whole "ARE YOU CRAZY!?" thing.

Your partner is slightly obsessed with his/her pets. You know, ants, leeches, parasites - cute little things along those lines. Does this affect your relationship in any way? No...but it'd be a little weird. :/ I mean, I love my cat, but sheesh. Speaking of, I think she just ate that pet he adores so much...will that cause relationship trouble?

Your partner has been infected with the T-Virus. How do you react? No time for a pity-party, people, I've got me a vaccine to find! But if there wasn't one, and no way to synthesise it...then I would do what needs to be done, and put him out of his misery. I'd be devastated, and the experience would undoubtedly scar me, but the alternative would be letting him become one of those things. I know that he wouldn't want that.

You have been infected with the T-Virus. How do you expect your partner to react? The same way I would if it were him. Do his utmost to find a cure, or a method to make it. But if it couldn't be done, then I'd prefer death to mutating into some sort of abomination, or becoming a plain-old zombie. Besides, I'm as good as dead anyway, right? Might as well do it right and be plain old dead, then.

In the end

Which Resident Evil character do you think you’re least compatible with and why? Wesker. Seriously, I think he's probably my answer to all of these "least likely" applications. XD; To his credit, we'd probably understand one another on an intellectual level, but I'm more likely to hate a callous murderer with a god-complex than date him. Especially since his concoctions put everyone else I love - not to mention himself - in a great deal of danger.

And lastly, please pick a song or quote to describe your ideal relationship.
"Broken" by Seether (featuring Amy Lee)

I wanted you to know that I love the way you laugh,
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain,
I keep your photograph and I know it serves me well,
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome,
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

You've gone away,
You don't feel me here anymore

The worst is over now, and we can breathe again,
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away,
There's so much left to learn, and no-one left to fight,
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

'Cause I'm broken when I'm open,
And I don't feel like I am strong enough,
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome,
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

'Cause I'm broken when I'm open,
And I don't feel like I am strong enough,
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome,
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome,
And I don't feel right when you're gone

You've gone away,
You don't feel me here anymore.

matchmaker: billy coen, .stamped

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