For realsies this time.

Jun 29, 2009 21:09

People, I am so done with lurking.

Many new things--new apartment (Foxcroft), new laptop (Eee!), new priorities. Not quite tossing the baby out with the bathwater, but perhaps switching to a new tub. I feel once again a full measure of the ambition that has been a mere ghost these past two or so years. As Nessa put it, time to move out of the shade and into the sun.

The new apartment comes with a deck facing the woods. More than anything else, this has served as inspirative. I really have been cooped up in an oubliette. Just sitting on the deck, listening to the creatures (both sapient and primitive) has reminded me of the need to rejoin the living, breathing world in force.

This summer holds much potential. With the video game systems packed and out of easy reach, I have less opportunity to waste my time in idleness. The intertubes are themselves a distraction, but far, far less so without a full keyboard. (The Eee is a right pain in the ass to type on.) I have begun reading Cicero's letters in the Latin, with an eye toward eventually tackling De Natura Deorum. Marcus Aurelius waits in the wings, his Meditations biding their time. And the bookshelves, full and still spilling over into yet-unpacked boxes of books, carry much that I have acquired but not read. My religion shelf has been saving stern looks for me for quite some time.

No more excuses.
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