Why a survey? Well, it's called boredom, children.
1. What are your middle names?
Mine is Patrick. Her's is Marie.
2. How long have you been together?
Since Christmas morning. Good gift, it was.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
A little over 5 years
4. Who asked who out?
I asked her. Repeatedly.
5. How old are each of you?
I am 22, She is 21. Born just under a year apart.
6. Did you go to the same school?
Yep high school
7. Who is the smartest?
She covers the English, History, and Social skills. Also, she is more logical and thinks quicker.
I take the Math, Science, and Arts. I am more rational, and take longer to think things through.
8. Who is the most sensitive?
She is very sensitive to changes in other people. I am sensitive to changes in her.
9. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We go a lot of places. I don't know where we go most. But we go out a lot.
10. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
The White Mountains.
11. Who has the craziest exes?
She has the worst exes. I have the craziest exes. 3 of my exes are either preggo or moms.
12. Who does the cooking?
She is much better at it than I am. I do try and help, though.
13. Who is more social?
She is better at being social with people she knows, I am better at being social with people I don't know.
14. Who is the neat-freak?
Neither of us. I get a little OCD about some things, like no clutter at the foot of my bed, because it just tends to build, but other than that, we're pretty much slobs =)
15. Who is the most stubborn?
She is more stubborn than I am. I'm good for almost anything.
16. Who hogs the bed?
Me. I ooze out onto every open corner.
17. Who wakes up earlier?
I tend to. I have always woken up first out of almost anyone I know.
18. Where was your first date?
haha Scary Movie 3
19. Who has the bigger family?
I am still learning her family, as I have yet to meet most of them. So I don't know.
20. How do you spend the holidays?
Um, her family gets kind of upset when she doesn't spend it with them, so we try to split the day, or in the case of Christmas, mine does Eve, her's does Day.
21. How long did it take to get serious?
5 years haha
22. Who does/did the laundry?
Sadly, we each have our respective mothers do it.
23. Who’s better with the computer?
24. Who drives when you are together?
Typically her. I still don't have my own car, so its usually her car.