Title: Two less lonely people in the world
Pairing: Ueda x Uchi (Implied RyoDa and RyoUchi), Ryokura
Summary: Loneliness brings you close to people whom you never thought you’ll end up with(i suck at summaries)
Chapter 01 Chapter 02 Chapter 03 Chapter 04 (
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Comments 9
Looks like Ryo's exs are all gathering together and having a fiesta without him.
I really hate how selfish and conceited Ryo is.
I agree with Uchi that it is sad to let people how loves you slip away. In addition, it is lucky to have two.
So now Ryo is going to be left stranded and far far away from making people's life miserable, what is going to happen to Uchi and Ueda?
Let the exs of Ryo unite and cause the 'sexy' osaka man some headaches!!
Looking forward to more as always!
will be waiting for the next one then.
i never really thought Uchi as a great lover too... it just hit me.
I'll keep your suggestion in mind :D
I just added the chapter 5 link, as I already put this story in my post. It's so awesome this story! Thank you for doing this! Love you chu chu
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