The Fanfic Index

Oct 15, 2020 20:34


There Must be Something wrong
Summary: When Ueda's obsession with Gackt gets in his brain
making Ryo wonder what in the world is wrong with the brunette
Chapter:1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8

How can something so wrong be so right?
Summary: When there's a man and his lover, there's another man in between
Beta by:
Chapter:  01  02  03  04 -A  04 - B  05  06

What's done is done
Summary: It all started with a game
Chapter:   01   02

Ueda's Summer Escapade *COMPLETE*
Summary: Ryo gets angry at Ueda for getting a "gratuitously sultry" massage with Jin on national television. Ueda, fed up of Ryo's immaturity,sets off to a trip to the Pearl of the Orient, consequently meeting a man that will steal his heart away. Will Ryo be able to get him back?
beta by:ionnesaysrawr and miyukaii
Chapters: one two three four five six - A SIX - B

The Friend
Summary:"Some people say never kiss a friend because that friend will be forever lost.
But what if the person you're looking for is the friend you've never kissed?"
Chapter: one   two   three   four

The boy is mine
Summary:Two guys fight over who Ueda belongs too. Based from Brandy & Monica’s song with the same title
Chapter: 01

Title: Two less lonely people in the world
Pairing: Ueda x Uchi (Implied RyoDa and RyoUchi)Ryokura, OhDa friendship
Summary: Loneliness brings you close to people whom you never thought you’ll end up with(i suck at summaries)
Chapter 01 Chapter 02 Chapter 03 Chapter 04 Chapter 05 Chapter 06


Hard Habit to break
Summary:Ryo finds it hard to break a certain habit
From tatsuya with Love
Summary:Ueda sets up a surprise birthday party for his boyfriend Ryo by inviting
all the people he worked with including the girl he fanboys, Leah Dizon.
Ryo is pleased with the surprise but feels that something else is missing from it all.
You don't belong to anyone
Summary:Jealousy and Anger blinds two people that led them in committing a certain crime
Three men from Osaka and a Princess
Summary:Shige’s having a problem with Koyama’s ‘member ai’ and finds Ueda and Ryo ai quite interesting
Morning coffee at its finest
Summary:Something good will happen after a good cup of coffee
Summary:Ambitions, aspirations, achievements, the glamorous life and love.
Would these things be enough to make a relationship last or will it be the reason a relationship would end?

CHOSEN sequel to Hard habit to break
Chapter: ONE

#fanfic: index

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