Duet December 2008 Translation

Nov 24, 2008 23:27

First time posting something I translated but I did this in favour of studying for JLPT last night so I figured I’d share. Contains the original kanji, romaji and English translation. Credits to lady_mercury for the original scans which I referred to.

Duet December 2008 (Ueda)

Q 今取りたい資格はなんですか?

いま持ってる資格って、車の運転免許と簿記4級くらいだからね(笑)。ということで、次は簿記3級をめざします!! ウソウソ、マジで取りたいのはまずボクシングのプロライセンスでしょ、それから船舶免許もほしい!船舶免許取ったら行動範囲が広がりそうだよね。

Q Ima toritai shikaku wa nan desu ka?

Ima motteru shikaku tte, kuruma no unten menkyo to boki 4-kyuu kurai dakara ne (shou). To iu koto de, tsugi wa boki 3-kyuu wo mezashimasu!! Uso, uso, maji de toritai no wa mazu BOXING no PRO LICENSE desho, sore kara senpaku menkyo mo hoshii! Senpaku menkyo tottara koudou hani ga hirogari sou da yo ne.

Q At the moment, what qualifications (test) do you want to take?

Right now I have a driver's license and a bookkeeping qualifications at around 4th kyuu (laughs). Saying that, I'll aim for the 3rd kyuu for bookkeeping! Just kidding, the one I really want to take is the pro license for boxing I guess. Other than that I also want a ship license! If I can obtain a ship license, it feels like the things and places you can explore becomes wider.

Q 料理をするそうですが、最近どんな料理を作りましたか? また、 得意料理はなんですか?

昨日ソース焼きそばを作った。具は鶏のささみ3本とキャベツ半玉とニンジン1本、そばは2玉! 得意なのはカレー。 でも、いちばんよく作ってるのは野菜炒め。

Q Ryouri wo suru sou desu ga, saikin donna ryouri wo tsukurimashitaka? Mata, tokui ryouri wa nan desu ka?

Kinou SAUCE yakisoba wo tsukutta. Tsuma wa niwatori no sasami 3 hon to CABBAGE hangyoku to NINJIN 1 hon, soba wa 2 gyoku! Tokui na no wa CURRY. Demo, ichiban yoku tsukutteru no wa yasai itame.

Q It seems like you cook but recently, what food have you been making? Also, which dishes do you specialize in?

Yesterday, I made sauce yakisoba. The garnish is made up of 3 pieces of high-quality chicken breast meat and baby cabbages and one carrot, and 2 soba's! My specialty would be curry. But the food I make the most is fried vegetables.

Q どんなときに歌詞を思いつくのですか?


Q Donna toki ni kashi wo omoitsuku no desu ka?

Kyoku wa chanto "tsukuruzo" tte kimesagyou suru kanji. Goku tama ni futsuu ni shigoto shiteru toki ka, asonderu toki ni kashi ga omoitsuitari shite, ketai ni MEMO ru koto mo aru kedo, kihon teki ni wa jikan wo kimete tsukutteru yo.

Q At what time does writing lyrics come to mind?

For songs you have to have a feeling of dutifully deciding "I'm writing it." Words sometimes come to me during work or when I'm out having fun, the lyrics suddenly hit me and I'll put a memo in my cell phone but usually, I decide on the time to write it.

Q 最近の心に残っているメールは?


Q Saikin no kokoro ni nokotte iru MAIL wa?

Tanjyoubi no toki ni tomodachi kara ippai MAIL morattan dakedo, zenbu suggoi ureshikatta.

Q Recently, which mail left an impression in your heart?

During my birthday, my friends left a lot of mail but all of them made me really happy.

Q いまの仕事をしていてよかったなー と 思うのはどんなときですか?

そ~ですねえ~~ やっぱりモテルことですかね~!? (笑)

Q Ima no shigoto wo shite ite yokatta na~ to omou no wa donna toki desu ka?

So~ desu nee~ Yappari moteru koto desu ka ne~!? (shou)

Q When do you feel like 'I'm glad I'm doing my current job'?

Well... I suppose it has to be when I'm popular! (laughs)

Q 忘れられない恋の思い出はありますか?

それが、ないんだよね。 だいたいオレが冷めちゃって終るっていうパターンが多いからかな~。

Q Wasurerarenai koi no omoide wa arimasu ka?

Sore ga, nain da yo ne. Daitai ore ga hiyamechatte owaru tte iu PATTERN ga ooi kara ka na~.

Q Do you have any memories of a love you can't forget?

I don't really have that. Because more often than not, there's a usual pattern where it's me who coldly says it's over.

Q 好きな人ができたとき、どのようなアプローチをして告白しますか?

まず話しかけるでしょ、そんでメアド聞いて、ごはんに誘う! まあ、 ふつうですよ(笑)。 でも、 オレは最初のデートで告白とかはないかな。最低でも2~3回は会って、ちゃんとそのコのことを知ってから告白する。

Q Suki na hito ga dekita toki, dono you na APPROACH wo shite kokuhaku shimasu ka?

Mazu hanashi kakeru deshou, sonde MEADO kiite, gohan ni sasou! Maa, futsuu desu yo (shou). Demo, ore wa saisho no DATE de kokuhaku to ka wa nai ka na. Saitei de mo 2-3 kai wa atte, chanto sono ko no koto wo shitte kara kokuhaku suru.

Q When you find someone you like, how do you approach them to confess?

Firstly, we'll have to talk. After that, we'll exchange mail addresses, and I'll invite her for meals! Well, it's pretty normal (laughs). But for me, I probably won't confess on the first date. It's low, but after seeing each other 2-3 times, when that girl already knows, that's when I'll confess.

Q 無人島にふたりきり。 メンバーの中の誰といっしょがいいですか?

そんなの考えたくもありません (笑)。

Q Mujinto ni futari kiri. MEMBER no naka no dare to issho ga ii desu ka?

Sonna no kangaeta ku mo arimasen (shou).

Q If you're stranded on an inhabited island, amongst the members who would be best to be stuck with?

I've never thought about it before (laughs).

Q メンバーの中でいちばんの甘えん坊は誰ですか? まただれがいちばんのしっかり者ですか?

田口。想像だけど、女のコの前とかだと甘えてそうな気がするから(笑)。 しっかりしてるのは赤西かなあ。とくに理由はないけど、 なんとなく。。。 えっ、オレ!? オレはいちばんおっちょこちょい。

Q MEMBER no naka de ichiban no amaenbo wa dare desu ka? Mata dare ga ichiban no shikkari mono desu ka?

Taguchi. Mousou dakedo, onna no ko no mae to ka da to amaete sou na ki ga suru kara (shou). Shikkari shiteru no wa Akanishi ka naa. Toku ni riyuu wa nai kedo, nantonaku... Ee, ore!? Ore wa ichiban occhokochoi.

Q Amongst the members, who's the most pampered? Also, who's the most level-headed person?

Taguchi. It could just be my imagination, but in front of girls there's a feeling like he's behaving like a spoilt child. If it's level-headedness, I think it's Akanishi. There's no special reason but somehow or other... Huh, me!? I'm the most careless.

Q KAT-TUNの曲の中でいちばん好きな曲はなんですか?


Q KAT-TUN no kyoku no naka de ichiban suki na kyoku wa nan desu ka?

Kiku made mo nai deshou, mochiron ore no kyoku!!

Q Amongst KAT-TUN's songs, which song do you like the most?

This doesn't have to be asked, of course my own songs!!

Q 最近はロードワークをしてるって聞くけど、逆に家では何をしてるの? (亀梨)

基本、家にはあんまりいないんだよね。だいたい出かけてる。だって、ジムへ行って、 帰ってきてロードワークして、それから遊びに行っちゃうからね。

Q Saikin wa ROADWORK wo shiteru tte kiku kedo, gyaku ni iie de wa nani o shiteru no? (Kamenashi)

Kihon, iie ni wa anmari inain da yo ne. Daitai dekaketeru. Datte, GYM e itte, kaette kite ROADWORK shite, sore kara asobi ni icchau kara ne.

Q Recently I've heard that you've been doing roadwork but conversely, what do you do at home? (Kamenashi)

Usually, I'm hardly at home. I'm mostly out. That's because I go to the gym, when coming home I do roadwork and after that, I go out and play.

Q 恋愛してる? してなさそうじゃない!? (赤西)


Q Renai shiteru? Shite na sa sou jya nai!? (Akanishi)

Hi. Mi. Tsu (shou).

Q Are you in love? It seems like you are, aren't you!? (Akanishi)

Se.Cr.Et (laughs).

Q どんな場所でもサングラスをかけてるけど、見えづらいくない? あと、オレもジムに行きたいと思ってるんだけど、どう思う? (田口)

全然見えづらくないよ! だって、 本当にまぶしいんだもん。 それからジムはね。。。 オマエじゃ絶対にっ! 絶対にっ! ムリっっ!! 根性ないから(笑)。

Q Donna basho de mo SUNGLASS wo kaketeru ke do, meizurai kunai? Ato, ore mo GYM ni ikitai to omotterun dakedo, dou omou? (Taguchi)

Zenzen miezurakunai yo! Datte, hontou ni mabushiin da mon. Sore kara GYM wa ne... omae jya zettai nii! Zettai nii! Muriiiii! Konjyou wa nai kara (shou).

Q No matter where you're always wearing sunglasses, but isn't it hard to see? Also, I'm thinking of going to the gym as well, what do you think? (Taguchi)

It's not hard to see at all! That's because it really is bright. And about the gym... if it's you definitely! Definitely! Impossible!! Because you don't have the guts (laughs).

Q 意外とヘアスタイルがずっと変わってないけど、飽きませんか? (田中)

オレ的にはこの髪型に慣れてるから、全然飽きないよ。 ずーっと変わってないって言っても、1年くらい前に黒髪からフルモデルチェンジしたね~。 オレよりもまったく変わってない中丸よりはマシじゃない!? (笑)

Q Igai to HAIRSTYLE ga zutto kawatte nai kedo, akimasen ka? (Tanaka)

Ore teki ni wa kono kamigata ni nareteru kara, zenzen akinai yo. Zu~tto to kawatte nai tte itte mo, 1 nen kurai mae ni kurokami kara FULL MODEL CHANGE shita ne~. Ore yori mo mattaku kawatte nai Nakamaru yori wa mashi jya nai!? (Shou)

Q Unexpectedly your hairstyle hasn't been changed for a long time, aren't you tired of it? (Tanaka)

For me, it's because I've gotten used to this hairdo I'm not tired of it at all. Even though you say it hasn't changed in a long time, about a year ago, I did a full-model change from my black hair~ Instead, compared to Nakamaru who completely hasn't changed at all, I'm still better aren't I!? (laughs)

Q すごい量のマンガを持っていますが、いったい何冊くらい持っているんですか? あと、最近ハマっている飲み物はなんですか? (中丸)

ちゃんと数えたことはないんだけど、マンガは1000冊くらいはあるんじゃないかな。 あと、ハマってる飲み物? それは乳酸菌炭酸飲料だね。なんか "乳酸菌炭酸飲料"って早口言葉みたいだけど。。。(笑)。 めっちゃハマってて、毎日1リットルくらい飲んでるよ。

Q Sugoi ryou no Manga wo motte imasu ga, ittai nan satsu kurai motte irun desu ka? Ato, saikin hamatte iru nomimono wa nan desu ka? (Nakamaru)

Chanto kazoeta koto wa nain dakedo, Manga wa 1000 satsu kurai wa arun jya nai ka na. Ato, hamatteru nomimono? Sore wa nyuusankin tansaninryou da ne. Nanka "nyuusankin tansaninryou" tte hayakuchi kotoba mitai da ke do... (shou). Meccha hamatte te, mainichi 1 LITER kurai nonde ru yo.

Q You have a large amount of manga but how many books exactly do you have? Other than that, recently what drinks have you been into? (Nakamaru)

I haven't really counted but I probably have around 1000 or so manga. And then, a drink that I'm into? That has to be 'lactic-acid-carbonated-drinks.' Somehow "lactic-acid-carbonated-drinks' seems like a tongue-twister... (laughs). I'm really into it, every day I drink about 1 liter of it.

Note: The first few questions are from some random fans but I conveniently omitted their names. The bottom questions are all from the other members. I had a hard time translating the food bit so there may be mistakes there. I don’t guarantee that my translations are error-free since I’m still learning Japanese myself but there shouldn’t be any major mistakes. If anyone spots anything amiss though, please do let me know. By the way when Ueda says 'lactic-acid-carbonated-drinks' I believe he means things like Yakult.


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