I'm just... really pissed off now. I've just messaged Florence about this issue privately on FB (since she's also in the UKM), but I'm just... really mad about it. And I had to talk to her in Indonesian since I don't know her level of English, but at least I'd feel (even more) comfortable talking about it with you. Plus, you're a third party, so perhaps you could offer your POV in this.
And I apologize for any and all swear words and capslock abuse I'm using here. Ah, bless the Internet and the freedom of speech.
First off, you should see this:
Itu aku, dan ketua/presiden UKM tercinta, Amanda. Dia (mungkin atas perintah/sesuai desain stand Open House (OH) oleh seksi PubDekDok UKM) minta kita bawa headband/ikat kepala seperti yang sudah dia post:
Point is, she's being kinda annoying about it (see the tone in which she replied to my latest reply). If she's asking us to bring that bloody goddamned headband, she could at least tell us where to buy it.
At least three other people have had concerns about it. And based on my one and only experience in going to a Japanese-goods shop outside of Japan, Japanese stuff are expensive. I kid you not; dulu pas di Singapore aku pergi ke toko barang2 Jepang buat cari sabuk kimono, dan satu sabuk itu harganya SGD100 (aka IDR 700-800rb).
Apa setelah 3-4 orang tanya seperti itu ke dia, dia ga kepikir bahwa: 1. Not everyone has that headband. 2. Not everyone knows where to buy it. 3. Not everyone is willing to spend what could amount to quite a bit of money to purchase something that would probably be of use only once? Cuma sekali pake, trus disimpan gt?
I know this is also my fault for not asking anywhere else. And that I should say all of this to her instead of ranting about it someplace else. Dan mungkin cara aku mengartikulasikan reply-ku ke dia kurang enak (yep, that's me, ever the socially awkward). Tapi caranya dia njawab yang terakhir itu....
"helpful if you told us where to look for them"? ga skalian aj u suru aq beliin? h3 --"
hachimaki toh.. tau lah.. yah, terserah u lah
That really made me feel that I'd be better off keeping my mouth shut; that I should never have asked and made the effort to think of another alternative; and most of all, that I should have stayed my antisocial self instead of being socially interactive.
Trus klo kamu liat comment-nya di screenshot pertama itu, kamu bakal liat klo dia ngomong baju putih ama headband putih bakal kayak orang pergi ke pemakaman. WELL IF YOU WANT TO BE SEEN AS A TAKOYAKI VENDOR THEN YOU SHOULD BLOODY WELL WEAR AN APRON. A FUCKING APRON, FOR GODS' SAKE. It shouldn't matter if you're wearing a plain white t-shirt or a bikini or a goth-loli dress, an apron is what would be more defining as a food vendor than a stupid headband. You see all those fucking chef-wannabes in "Master Chef"; see what they all wear? A fuckin' apron (or in their case, chef's uniform) that's what! Yang pake headband lo cuma satu!
I know what the headband is useful for in cooking: it prevents sweat from your forehead and scalp to drip down to the ingredients/dish. But it's not like we're gonna cook during OH!
(And I realise that I'm using the second person's POV like 'you' or 'your' up there, but of course I don't mean you. And you would of course understand this, but I couldn't help feeling a little guilty about it).
I'm sorry for bothering you with this; it's just... I see her as a kind of a bitch now...
I've only talked with one UKM senior so far, dan itu senpai berbadan kecil yang di divisi materi sama aku. She's nice to talk to, at least... and she knows that I talk (err, write) better in English than in Indonesian.
Anyway, that's it for now. Sorry for the rant overload. Thanks for listening.
First of all, it's okay for you to rant. There's no need to apologize for it :) Yes, bless internet and the freedom of speech.
I agree that her reply for you is annoying. What I found the most annoying is the last part "hachimaki toh.. tau lah.. yah, terserah u lah" That's the most annoying answer we can get after we have actually pour our thought into something and voice it out. I don't know if it's the same or not, but I remember my previous typo groupmates. Hahaha...
I more than agree that if she requests you and all the UKM members to bring a certain type of headband, she as the leader can at least provide information about where to buy it. I also 100% agree about "Not everyone is willing to spend what could amount to quite a bit of money to purchase something that would probably be of use only once" In my opinion, your suggestion is right. The sks-students headband can be made easily and doesn't require much. It's kind of cute too. And really Japanese :D When you say that the theme is takoyaki shop, I imagine the head-cover like Chibitalia's is more fitting with apron, but wait a minute! It'll make you guys look like a cleaning housewifes! Forget about that *cover eyes* Yeah, apron is the best for describing anything involving cooking, so I agree that you should wear it instead of worrying about the damn headbands.
I understand your anger and how you feel you should keep your mouth shut and keep being anti-social, and I don't blame you. Because I too often feel the same. Wish I can give you a real hug now :( *hug*
(Don't feel guilty please. Of course I understand O_O *pat pat* Jane is really a nice person *teary-eyed*)
You're not bothering me at all :) And yes, she seems to be kind of a bitch. I mean, she should think of the well being of her members, not just telling them what to do then do nothing to support. >>:
Maybe you can talk to chibi-senpai? I know her, she was the one that interviewed me XD Maybe she can do something like convincing the annoying leader.
Ah, your legendary typo groupmates... X'D no, no, you're right. It's a very rude, deprecating response to an input.
*virtual hugs back*
Ok, so Flo also replied, and apparently both her and Yohana also find her annoying. Yohana (I think she's the secretary? Point is, she has already had to work and come into contact with her more than anyone has) even regretted joining the group and wanted to quit, and Flo called her 'a whore'. Haha. Flo ngomong si ketua itu maunya have fun dan ketemuan aja (dan rupanya si ketua itu mau nyoba cosplay taun ini... mukanya ga memadai -_-;;)
Did you know setelah comment-nya itu, ada anggota lain yang ga bisa baca sarkasme-nya dia dan minta nitip dibeliin tu headband? LOL
Aww, thanks :') I should just be quiet; I don't want any kind of conflict to arise. Flo said she replied to me in that unpleasant tone of voice because she doesn't like me... or that's our hypothesis for now, at least. Dia sensi ama aku kenapa ya? :/ beneran deh! :o klo dia reply ke yg lainnya itu kayak dia so sweet bgt.
Chibi-senpai pulang kampung... ;_; aq cuma diskusi ama dia lewat FB soal materi.
She is that bad?! O_O Wew...... Maybe you guys should hold an election (just kidding. She'll kill me if she finds out X'D) Hahaha. Maunya fun saja kok jadi ketua? =__=;
LOL Serves her right(?)
Hah?! Hmmmmmmm..... Mungkin juga sih kalau dia cm sinis sama kamu >: Mungkin karena kamu hebat, Jane. Lebih hebat dari dia mungkin, makanya dia sensi. ;)
Ooohhhhh O_O Chibi-senpai tidak ada saran atau pendapat soal si bu ketua itu? Maksudnya, beneran kalian mau pake headband itu dan nyari sendiri begitu?
Oh god I would totally update you with the open house stuff later because you know what: I'm actually gonna go there.
Ini karena pas tadi kita dekorasi, aku, Flo, ama Ko Archie (yg biasanya muter2 itu lo) bener2 klop bgt! Kita ngomong2 soal anime, dan si koko itu seleranya hampir sama bgt sama aku! Surprise!! Bakemoogatari, Moyashimon, Baccano!, Madoka Magica, Mirai Nikki, dll. dan Flo mendapat banyak... pencerahan soal dunia otaku (err, dia mendapat banyak good and bad influences dari kami berdua yg lebih expert dalam hal2 begitu (misalnya fetish dsb hahaha :'D).
And we're so awesome togetherrrr
Point is, Flo and I are going to the event cuma buat nimbrung lagi hahaha!
I need to sleep early so that'd be all for now; ttyl!
I'm just... really pissed off now. I've just messaged Florence about this issue privately on FB (since she's also in the UKM), but I'm just... really mad about it. And I had to talk to her in Indonesian since I don't know her level of English, but at least I'd feel (even more) comfortable talking about it with you. Plus, you're a third party, so perhaps you could offer your POV in this.
And I apologize for any and all swear words and capslock abuse I'm using here. Ah, bless the Internet and the freedom of speech.
First off, you should see this:
Itu aku, dan ketua/presiden UKM tercinta, Amanda. Dia (mungkin atas perintah/sesuai desain stand Open House (OH) oleh seksi PubDekDok UKM) minta kita bawa headband/ikat kepala seperti yang sudah dia post:
Point is, she's being kinda annoying about it (see the tone in which she replied to my latest reply). If she's asking us to bring that bloody goddamned headband, she could at least tell us where to buy it.
At least three other people have had concerns about it. And based on my one and only experience in going to a Japanese-goods shop outside of Japan, Japanese stuff are expensive. I kid you not; dulu pas di Singapore aku pergi ke toko barang2 Jepang buat cari sabuk kimono, dan satu sabuk itu harganya SGD100 (aka IDR 700-800rb).
Apa setelah 3-4 orang tanya seperti itu ke dia, dia ga kepikir bahwa:
1. Not everyone has that headband.
2. Not everyone knows where to buy it.
3. Not everyone is willing to spend what could amount to quite a bit of money to purchase something that would probably be of use only once? Cuma sekali pake, trus disimpan gt?
I know this is also my fault for not asking anywhere else. And that I should say all of this to her instead of ranting about it someplace else. Dan mungkin cara aku mengartikulasikan reply-ku ke dia kurang enak (yep, that's me, ever the socially awkward). Tapi caranya dia njawab yang terakhir itu....
"helpful if you told us where to look for them"?
ga skalian aj u suru aq beliin? h3 --"
hachimaki toh.. tau lah..
yah, terserah u lah
That really made me feel that I'd be better off keeping my mouth shut; that I should never have asked and made the effort to think of another alternative; and most of all, that I should have stayed my antisocial self instead of being socially interactive.
Trus klo kamu liat comment-nya di screenshot pertama itu, kamu bakal liat klo dia ngomong baju putih ama headband putih bakal kayak orang pergi ke pemakaman. WELL IF YOU WANT TO BE SEEN AS A TAKOYAKI VENDOR THEN YOU SHOULD BLOODY WELL WEAR AN APRON. A FUCKING APRON, FOR GODS' SAKE. It shouldn't matter if you're wearing a plain white t-shirt or a bikini or a goth-loli dress, an apron is what would be more defining as a food vendor than a stupid headband. You see all those fucking chef-wannabes in "Master Chef"; see what they all wear? A fuckin' apron (or in their case, chef's uniform) that's what! Yang pake headband lo cuma satu!
I know what the headband is useful for in cooking: it prevents sweat from your forehead and scalp to drip down to the ingredients/dish. But it's not like we're gonna cook during OH!
(And I realise that I'm using the second person's POV like 'you' or 'your' up there, but of course I don't mean you. And you would of course understand this, but I couldn't help feeling a little guilty about it).
I'm sorry for bothering you with this; it's just... I see her as a kind of a bitch now...
I've only talked with one UKM senior so far, dan itu senpai berbadan kecil yang di divisi materi sama aku. She's nice to talk to, at least... and she knows that I talk (err, write) better in English than in Indonesian.
Anyway, that's it for now. Sorry for the rant overload. Thanks for listening.
Yes, bless internet and the freedom of speech.
I agree that her reply for you is annoying. What I found the most annoying is the last part "hachimaki toh.. tau lah..
yah, terserah u lah" That's the most annoying answer we can get after we have actually pour our thought into something and voice it out.
I don't know if it's the same or not, but I remember my previous typo groupmates. Hahaha...
I more than agree that if she requests you and all the UKM members to bring a certain type of headband, she as the leader can at least provide information about where to buy it.
I also 100% agree about "Not everyone is willing to spend what could amount to quite a bit of money to purchase something that would probably be of use only once"
In my opinion, your suggestion is right. The sks-students headband can be made easily and doesn't require much. It's kind of cute too. And really Japanese :D
When you say that the theme is takoyaki shop, I imagine the head-cover like Chibitalia's is more fitting with apron, but wait a minute! It'll make you guys look like a cleaning housewifes! Forget about that *cover eyes*
Yeah, apron is the best for describing anything involving cooking, so I agree that you should wear it instead of worrying about the damn headbands.
I understand your anger and how you feel you should keep your mouth shut and keep being anti-social, and I don't blame you. Because I too often feel the same. Wish I can give you a real hug now :( *hug*
(Don't feel guilty please. Of course I understand O_O *pat pat* Jane is really a nice person *teary-eyed*)
You're not bothering me at all :)
And yes, she seems to be kind of a bitch. I mean, she should think of the well being of her members, not just telling them what to do then do nothing to support.
Maybe you can talk to chibi-senpai? I know her, she was the one that interviewed me XD
Maybe she can do something like convincing the annoying leader.
You're always welcome :D
*virtual hugs back*
Ok, so Flo also replied, and apparently both her and Yohana also find her annoying. Yohana (I think she's the secretary? Point is, she has already had to work and come into contact with her more than anyone has) even regretted joining the group and wanted to quit, and Flo called her 'a whore'. Haha. Flo ngomong si ketua itu maunya have fun dan ketemuan aja (dan rupanya si ketua itu mau nyoba cosplay taun ini... mukanya ga memadai -_-;;)
Did you know setelah comment-nya itu, ada anggota lain yang ga bisa baca sarkasme-nya dia dan minta nitip dibeliin tu headband? LOL
Aww, thanks :') I should just be quiet; I don't want any kind of conflict to arise. Flo said she replied to me in that unpleasant tone of voice because she doesn't like me... or that's our hypothesis for now, at least. Dia sensi ama aku kenapa ya? :/ beneran deh! :o klo dia reply ke yg lainnya itu kayak dia so sweet bgt.
Chibi-senpai pulang kampung... ;_; aq cuma diskusi ama dia lewat FB soal materi.
She is that bad?! O_O Wew...... Maybe you guys should hold an election (just kidding. She'll kill me if she finds out X'D)
Hahaha. Maunya fun saja kok jadi ketua? =__=;
LOL Serves her right(?)
Hah?! Hmmmmmmm..... Mungkin juga sih kalau dia cm sinis sama kamu >:
Mungkin karena kamu hebat, Jane. Lebih hebat dari dia mungkin, makanya dia sensi. ;)
Ooohhhhh O_O Chibi-senpai tidak ada saran atau pendapat soal si bu ketua itu? Maksudnya, beneran kalian mau pake headband itu dan nyari sendiri begitu?
Ini karena pas tadi kita dekorasi, aku, Flo, ama Ko Archie (yg biasanya muter2 itu lo) bener2 klop bgt! Kita ngomong2 soal anime, dan si koko itu seleranya hampir sama bgt sama aku! Surprise!! Bakemoogatari, Moyashimon, Baccano!, Madoka Magica, Mirai Nikki, dll. dan Flo mendapat banyak... pencerahan soal dunia otaku (err, dia mendapat banyak good and bad influences dari kami berdua yg lebih expert dalam hal2 begitu (misalnya fetish dsb hahaha :'D).
And we're so awesome togetherrrr
Point is, Flo and I are going to the event cuma buat nimbrung lagi hahaha!
I need to sleep early so that'd be all for now; ttyl!
You totally have to!
I'm looking forward to it! :3
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