I'm sick. And so is my computer. Sort of.
Technically, I'm on the verge of getting sick. An Almost Sinus Infection, you might say. My computer? I have no fucking clue. It's running super-dee-duper slow, and I keep getting popups. From Internet Explorer. I have not used Internet Explorer for years. Does not compute.
Oddly enough, closing Yahoo! Mail seemed to put a stopper on the popups. Naw, that didn't work. The popups just seem to taper off as the day wears on. 9 to 5 popups? It was a virus. The trojan.vodum virus, to be specific. Thankfully, it's pretty common. It's been taken care of thanks to Bleeping Computer.
I always have it in an open tab because the notifier on my toolbar has late reaction syndrome. Maybe I should make the move to GMail. Uhm. No. Google Buzz sucks. Facebook and Twitter will be just fine.
As for me, I'm still feeling sick. It still hasn't turned in to a full-blown sinus infection. That doesn't mean I don't feel like crap, though. I'm tired, I'm achy in various places, I'm tired, I'm going through tissues like crazy, and I'm REALLY tired.
In other news, one of my friends gave me her barely used gym shoes! They're ~nice~ shoes, but she has problems with her left arch. These shoes were no good for that, and they would hyper-extend her ankle. We wear the exact same size, and she only wore them for maybe a month - only once at the gym. I've had my gym shoes for almost two years now, because we really couldn't afford to shell out for a quality pair. And I need something durable, with all I do. So, this saves Mom and me from buying something else we can't afford! \o/
And...that's really all I can think of right now. XD I hope to make my posts a little more freqent, now that my computer is running comparably better. I also hope to start up that ~other~ blog of mine soon. I have the whole thing written out in my head, it's just a matter of getting it on the computer screen. We'll see how that goes.