Whatever tickles my fancy, eh? I have something for that.
Here are five LOLRANDOM Blogthings that I have found are pretty darn accurate.
Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings! Blogthings: We're Not Shrinks, But We Play Them On the Internet Blogthings: Cheaper Than a Therapist Blogthings: We're Not Shrinks, But We Play Them On the Internet Blogthings: Our Quizzes Weren't Written By Bored 12 Year Olds Does anyone else see a theme emerging?
I am officially too tired to form a coherent Tweet. Time for bed.
Oh, and feel free to take the above quizzes and post your results. I wanna learn about you bbs!
EDIT: Okay, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm too tired to fix it. Halp?