if we lived in silent films, your eyes would say i love you every time they caught the screen.

Jun 04, 2007 20:33

okay. so, here's the deal children. i need someone to beta-read the rought draft of my "my chem & fob randomly gain superpowers" fic. it's sitll a work in progress, but i'm roughly thirteen pages into it and it still isn't nearly finished. so...yeah.


The bus is cramped. At least, if anybody ever asks - they're usually smart enough to catch the head-tilt hints that the rest of the band members give, but every now and then one dumbass breaks through the filter - that's the answer they'll be given concerning precisely why Gerard has his head resting on Frank's chest, one hand curled around Frank's knee, the other with a thumb through Frank's belt loop. The bus is cramped and they're just comfortable enough to not feel weird about sharing space. That's all.

Nobody mentions the fact that, since the rest of the guys are all up towards the pathetic excuse for a kitchen area, there's plenty of room for Gerard to stretch out on the other side of the couch. And besides, if anybody did, Gerard would just shrug and explain that he's more comfortable when he's around other people, something he and Mikey picked up on from growing up in such a close family, and insist that he'd be just as close with any of the other guys, should they choose to wander back. And he is, except that shoulder-to-shoulder, the occasional tired head against a free neck or the edge of a thigh isn't exactly the same as legs twined together, one hand up a shirt. But the guys mostly just wave it off, flop down on top of each other and prove that, hey, they're like brothers. It's just what they do. That's all.

So, really, it shouldn't be such a shock when Mikey wanders into the dressing room ten minutes two early on a Tuesday afternoon and finds Frank pressing his brother up against a wall, one hand down his brother's pants while his tongue is hidden somehwere beyond his brother's teeth. And yet Mikey finds himself shouting, "Ew!" and running out of there so fast that he accidentally yanks some cords out of the wall and plunges the room into darkness. Later, after Mikey has successfully avoided the band all night, without relaying this little tidbit of information to either of the other members, Gerard will slide into his bunk and poke him in the side until his delicate pretense of sleep is shattered. And Gerard'll say, "Please, little brother, don't be upset." And Mikey will watch him for awhile, his frame all blurred and blending with the moonlight, and then he'll purse his lips and, finally, ask, "So, you two are in love, huh?" And Gerard will smile. "Yeah. That's all."
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