Sep 23, 2006 11:34
i was checking my previously non existing myspace yesterday
and i went to rey's myspace to have a looksie
and i do have a looksie
and then i find this little chat box
it tells me to type in a nick name
so, out of the randomnessness of the moment,
i typed "penis"
and just started stating random crap like
:i like cheese
you know, dumb stuff
then this guy "john" starts telling me stuff like
:shut up dick
:stfu dick
you know, shit like that
so i start telling him off also
i called him "poopoohead"
nah, jk
i just started cussing at him
and then other people start cussing at him
i only remember "joe"
so i turn everyone against john and he is pissed off
then he leaves, so i am about to leave
then he is like "you are gay penis"
so everything starts up again .......... and it was fun
i was laughing my ass off the whole time
i was chating with this guy, "batman"
and i am all like
:holy fuck tarts batman
:gee wilickers batman
then he starts with his sound effects
you know
..............................yeah that was fun
i took formal pictures in school wed.
it was all weird, my pose i mean
roma lost last night, 40 - 0
against rio hondo
we went and i wish i had a camera
there were so many sites that would make great pictures
bridges, buildings, old buildings, churches, stores, rundown stores, naked people ... (jk)
but yeah, there was alot of cool stuff along the way, and even more on the way back
we took the back road that goes through santa rosa, san carlos (i think ... something with carlos),
edcouch, elsa, and then edinburg
i just found out edcouch-elsa is not one city
it is two
i didn't know
i took like 5 exams/quizes this week
they all sucked
i didn't know what i was doing
i finally got black label by lamb of god
... i want a guitar
even if it is crappy
well...not that crappy, but still
i got the new mastodon album "blood mountain"
it was a little disappointing
but none the less a good cd
i really like there diversity in there albums
their heavy style, their softer style
it just sounds cool
like jousting
yeah.........i guess that is it
i don't feel like proof reading this
i usually do
because i just don't
so forgive any thing that doesn't make sense
due to typographical errors