"How do I read your locked fics?"

Dec 25, 2020 12:34

All my fics are currently on Dreamwidth, not LiveJournal. But you can get there from here.

The neat thing about Dreamwidth (well, one of the many, many neat things): you don't need a DW account to read locked posts. All you need is an account on any OpenID-enabled site. Which means that, if you have LJ, you're all set.

Because a couple of people have been asking, here's How To Get At Erin's Locked Fics: the step-by-step version, with pictures.

Step One: Go to http://www.dreamwidth.org/openid/, the OpenID sign-in page.

Step Two: Type in your LJ username in the handy box:

Step Three: You'll be sent to a LiveJournal screen, asking if you're okay with being logged in on DW. Click one of the "Yes" buttons:

Step Four: You're logged in! Check that locked post again. If you can see it now, skip to step six.

Step Five: If you still can't see the post, stop by http://reseda.dreamwidth.org/profile while logged in with your OpenID account. (In the following screenshot, you can see me signed in as sailorptah.livejournal.com.) Then click the "Subscribe" button:

Step Five And A Half: Sit back; relax; make yourself a pot of tea. I'll add you within the day.

Step Six: That's it! You now have full, unfettered access to my scary twisted darkfics (and shameless pornfics, and tragic deathfics) until the end of time. Congratulations. (...I think.)