Mar 19, 2007 15:44
Today has been almost comical, looking back I’m sure I’m going to laugh in 10 or 20 years.
Let’s start with this past weekend. I did a lot of work on the house this weekend. And every muscle in my body is yelling at me for working so hard… This will come into play a little farther down.
Today started with my alarm clock waking me up out of the BEST DREAM of a lifetime. I would have given anything to be able to go back to sleep just to finish that moment of surreal reality. But I am smarter than that, I know that if I was to try to go back to that exact moment in my dream I would end up disappointed because there is no way to jump back into dreams. So I got out of my nice warm bed and continued through my normal morning routine to get me to work on time. So I showed up at work at 7:00 (my normal time of getting to work), that’s when I realized that Rob told me to sleep in and to relax and not be in until 9:00. Yeah, I’m retarded. So not only did I get out of my nice warm bed when I didn’t need to, but I didn’t have to leave that great dream.
But I realized that I have a lot of work today this week, so I stayed at work (with very little sleep, due to talking to a friend late last night). And here is where my day would appear comical… I get all my morning reports done, and get everything ready to hand out to the managers before they go into their meeting. So I’m walking around the mill, handing each of the managers their copy of the report, when I step in grease. And normally grease doesn’t bother me (my boots can handle it), but today, no such luck… I butt hit that NASTY, HARD floor faster than I could realize what happened. So now I’m still walking to each of the managers (now with a small limp and a dark spot on my ass, that isn’t placed in a good location). So now, it’s not just my legs, arms, and back that are bothering me… my ass hurts as well. But I finally get all of the reports to each of the managers, when my boss called with a correction to the report. Needless to say I just emailed them the correction and let them hand write it on their reports.
So, over lunch I decided to go home and put on a clean pair of pants, this would normally be an easy task… today, no such luck. I made it home, FINALLY when I realized that all my jeans are in the wash, except a pair of overalls. So I’m now heading back to work with a pair of overalls on and a sweatshirt (trying to hide the fact that I’m wearing overalls, when our customer comes to visit this afternoon).
We’ll fast forward now to about 2:00, one of our top customers comes in for a customer tour of the plant. And since my boss is out of town, I was designated to be their tour guide. (keeping in mind that I had just fallen out in the mill and was limping around like an 800 year old woman) I took the guys around both mills, answering every question they had. By the end of the Cold Mill tour, I started to realize that my legs were hurting a lot less (figuring that I was just walking out the pain). Then I realized that my legs weren’t hurting as much, because the pain in my ass was growing and so the comparison made my legs feel like nothing was wrong. After dropping our customers off at their cars, I went into my office (where a lady I work with, pointed out the fact that she thinks I’ve started my period because I have blood running down my pants). So, I run to the bathroom where I notice that I’m bleeding from where I hit the floor. I have a HUGE bruise on my ass, and several cuts that are bleeding on the second pair of pants for me to ware today. So I went home again, a put on some sweats.
Now let’s recap. 3 pairs of pants later, bleeding has stopped, soreness has continued, laughter might start any second now. I’m thinking that if I go to the house after I get off work, nothing bad can happen… it already has… but I’m kinda not wanting to risk it.
Well, I’m going to Walgreens soon to get some Neosporin for my cuts (hopefully they’ll be gone soon).
I hope your day has been going better then mine.