Thinking after reading a friends post

Jan 22, 2007 10:00

So many times I think of my life and what all I’ve done and I get excited. But after reading a friends post I went back and did some soul searching. I’ve found 3 main things that struck me as odd:

1. I set my goals for me above others expectations of my work.

This one was hard for me to really grasp. Lately at work I’ve been working on an application for the Manufacturer of the Year, and honestly I’ve been kicked to the curb by many of our mill guys, and I didn’t know how I was going to get anything done. Well, I somehow managed to do the research and write a technical paper on a topic that I know very little about. I was not excited to turn it in to our General Manager today, but as he read it he got even more excited and told me that this was the best report on our process he had ever read. So maybe I really do set my personal standards way too high. He made one correction (I misspelled a guy’s last name), and then we sent it off to the judges.

2. Sometimes it’s good to focus on something other then the life goals you set.

Lately I’ve been focusing on work, school, and part time jobs. I’m done with that. I’ve dropped my classes and I’m taking time off from trying to better myself towards something that I don’t even know if I can do, or want to do. I studied and focused for 17 years of my life to get where I am now. That’s 17 years of a 22 year lifespan. That’s crazy. I’m going to enjoy what I’ve accomplished (no matter how much I hate it). And things are never as bad as they seam, I just have to remember to step back and look at the big picture. I guess the main thing is, I wanted this career path so bad that I started focusing on it when I was 9, and I’m not going to give up on a childhood dream just because I went into the wrong industry. I’ll just have to work on redirecting my career to fit into the dream I worked so hard at achieve.

3.All you need in life are good friends and a family that cares for you and you can overcome anything.

So let me explain myself. I hate my job. I’m starting a part time business, selling Home & Garden Party (great products, and will give me enough income to quit my job until I can find a new path in Marketing) to get me out of the dependence of my pay check here. Well, that was my theory. But now that I’ve been in the planning stage of doing this for a few weeks and seen what all there is and how much I have to market myself and the products… I love it. Not only that, it’s been a way for me to get back in touch with some friends I haven’t talked to in years, but on the other hand it’s made me talk to people that I haven’t spoken to for a reason. But I’m having to put personal feelings aside and grow as a person.

Not to mention the fact that my dad’s business is taking off and I’ve been helping him with the marketing and advertising for that, it’s been really fun. And the more I think about it, the more two part time jobs that I love is SO MUCH BETTER then one full time job that I hate. So, yesterday I spent the entire day with my dad working on his business plan and helping him with some customer sites. It was very enjoyable. I got to use my creativity (which I can’t at my full time job), and I got to spend time with my dad. Both are winners to me.

So yes, for the time being I’m working 3 jobs. 2 of which I can set my own schedule and the other one I feel chained to my desk for 10 to 12 hours a day and being paid as if I only worked 8. Not to mention the fact that knowing that corporate is trying to get rid of everyone who has only been here for a year; it sucks seeing people who you hired on with getting laid off. This is all stress that I really don’t need. So I’m taking control of my life and working towards the two part time jobs. The first one (selling Home & Garden Party) is already showing to be very profitable, but we’ll see what happens.

I just thought I would share a little of the past hour of thinking. Maybe goals are more like small compasses pointing in the general direction, and the actual destination is somewhere that we can’t even start to fathom yet.
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