I just realized the huge black and white photo-print of seabirds taking flight off a deck over water features the Millennium Falcon. It was added -- not Photoshopped, but just stuck on -- in such a way that it appears to be swooping down and startling the birds away. Once the Vaguely Annoying Guy is gone (possibly not until tomorrow, dammit), I'm taking a picture of that baby and posting it here because it's awesome on so many levels...not the least of which is that I've been here in the same damned room with it for a week and a half and I only just now realized what I'm looking at. Gotta love that.
ETA Oh, better still. I just asked Spence about the picture. Apparently, it's a photo a guy who used to work here took and had blown up to hang in here. Someone else entirely stuck the MF on. Because it really does blend disconcertingly well, almost no one ever notices Han Solo's ship is flying into the picture even though it's a really big MF. The whole thing has been up like that for at least eight years. AWESOME.