Kripke'd in style: Been to Hell and Back/Fade to Black

Sep 19, 2008 21:00

As msdori and katbcoll are my witnesses, I've been busting ass on a SPN story called "Kingdom of the Blind" where I've shifted the problem from evil itself to the horror of good (and, by implication, God) gone insane. I even have my gal with her eye torn and ultimately changed by a lunatic seraph; she's dying as the holy fire burns through her mind and shines through her eye. Worse, though, the seraph's wound left her able to see souls and that in and of itself is driving her mad, too.

Damn you, Kripke and co. You bastards.

Anyway. My prediction for the season? The Big Bad is going to be the sacred and divine. Holy creatures have gone mad. Fuck a succubus, but if you think about it, that would be the one thing which could properly terrify anything living or dead. The hunters' world is a spare, brutal, and grim one but it's ultimately founded on the belief that there's right and wrong; that the good of the many ultimately outweighs the good of the few; and that means can sure as shit justify some ends.

Now imagine what it would do to that world to find out the side they've technically been fighting on has gone bugfuck-insane. See how it would be a good time to be an Antichrist and his beloved older brother? I even called it with Sam developing his powers, except I had him kick it off by way of looking at the RWS Tarot and watching the Magician morph into himself. (Same haircut; the tunic becomes a red hoodie over a white t-shirt; that sort of thing.)

Dammit. Just...dammit. A summer's worth of research. Thirty thousand words of fic. Even a meta-in-progress called "You Give Love A Bad Name." All worthless after the premier because I didn't get it posted in time. I'll probably still finish the meta because, hey, the show's all but made my speculation canon. That angel's eyes weren't just alien -- they were insane as he peered at Dean. When heavenly creatures are fucking around in Hell, even if it is to pluck out a hotass Winchester, things aren't flowing quite right. They're already going to know Dean won't kill Sam. They may well bring him up to speed on what (and who) Sam's been doing. Oh, man. If Enoch is to be believed, there's plenty of them fellas (two hundred, to be exact) who have excellent reasons to be utterly insane as well as sporting rock-hard mad-ons with God. And this? Regardless of whether God is good and good is also now completely insane. (Although that concept may be a tad on the touchy side for even, you know, the CW to explore.)

Damn you, Kripke. Damn you.

Awesome as shit to see Dean back only to have Bobby kick his ass (and splash him with holy water! hee!), and Sam very possibly boinking Ruby because that's just the kind of screwed up those Winchesters are. I love this show. Those bastards. I gotta think some more.

ETA that the show has its own back on that angel actually being an angel. All those sacred symbols of protection from all over the world? Yeah. Only a divine creature could move through those unaffected. The thing is, those symbols ward off evil and the intent to harm. A bugfuck-insane angel won't be intending to do any harm at all. Thus, a free pass with any protective symbols. Damn you, Kripke, and your clever writers too.

meta, supernatural

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