good folks and (hopefully) good books

Feb 28, 2008 23:33

I had a less than stellar start to the morning, what with missing the train I needed to get to my trauma appointment on time only because I couldn't find parking. Argh. I have to be up That Much Earlier to see the meds doc tomorrow. I'll definitely allow a full twenty-five to thirty minutes for finding parking this time.

The session with the therapist was really good, in part because this is the first time she started trying to suss out what anchors me emotionally so my intellect can kick in and run the show. We covered a fair piece beyond that and, happily, she continues to think she can help me with many of my goals.

I spent the rest of the day with Amina, helping her with her pharm school essays. Between her integrity and my masterful bullshitting, we make quite a balanced team when I help her tweak her prose or brainstorm fresh approaches.

These bits dovetail because Amina and I met at a bookstore. Without expecting to, I came across Dr Sarah Edelman's Change Your Thinking: Overcome Stress, Anxiety, & Depression, and Improve Your Life with CBT. (That's cognitive behavior therapy for the handful of you possibly unfamiliar with it.) I'll be bringing it in with me when I see the trauma specialist again to let her know what I'm reading. So far? Every page I've even skimmed has had a bit of resonance for me.

I may never fully be un-crazy, but I know I can get a better handle on my shit than I have at present. I've made some noteworthy strides in the past few weeks, but I also lost a hell of a lot of ground prior to that. So. I'll let you know what I think of the book which, incidentally, is the first self-help book I've ever purchased. (Oh, the joys of reaching my mid-thirties....)

Anyway. The other book is The Long-Distance Relationship Survival Guide by Chris Bell and Kate Brauer-Bell. I bought this in part because my SO has a schedule so overwhelming, I've found it easier to consider our relationship a long-distance one at present. However, there was a bit of pooch-screwing that went down with an OL friend of mine some months back. We've since come 'round a bit with new boundaries and cautious rebuilding of trust.

Thing is, while this book is geared toward romantic relationships, what I've read so far are intelligent and sensible strategies which could be readily applied to any sort of long-distance relationship. For me, that includes not just my overwhelmed SO and far-away friends, but my family, too. (Heaven knows I can use all the practical suggestions I can find when it comes to communicating gently and openly with Mom right now.)

So, anyway, there's all that for now. Away to bed. I have trains, doctors, city departments, and essays waiting to fill my day tomorrow. Uh. Yay?

now with slightly less batshit!, recs, paging dr house, neep

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