I have an entire folder of pathological vitriol, snark, flailing, and trans-Atlantic sneering going on regarding the CDC's investigation into the veracity of Morgelleon's disease. I'm still catching up on it, but somehow it suddenly hopped the Pacific to briefly drag in at least one poor Japanese pathologist about whether acupuncture is woo-woo crap, then homeopathy got thrown in, and the pathologists all lost their damned minds again about homeopathy. (The poor dude from Japan was, all, "Wait. First off, acupuncture gets covered by insurance because it's considered a form of PHYSICAL therapy over here and not some form of woo-woo crap. Second, ...the hell is homeopathy?" Which led to Wiki links, smacktalk about certain universities, and the one time poison ivy worked on a dog's joint but not his owner's. OMG. I AM ALIGHT WITH LOVE FOR SCIENCE ALL OVER AGAIN.)
I'm totally setting up yet another post in which I present highlights from the patho!wank. It's been just AWESOME -- probably the most fun since they found out Milo Ventimiligia was playing a homicidal pathologist in an upcoming flick thanks to their various lab and office managers declaring there's no way they could believe this movie because Milo's too hot to be an actual pathologist. Heee. I'll find the link to that delightful conversation and maybe to the one where they fanboyed each other's use of YouTube when I slam up the OMFG Teh CDC HAS TOTALLY SOLD OUT TO POP CULTURE AND Teh EVOL GOVT FUNDING!!eleventy! Wank Report.
Oh, science dorks. You make me proud I spent so much of yesterday stripped to the waist, covered in electrodes. And not for recreational purposes, if you can even imagine.
I've also been loving the hell out of finding links to all the barking mad speculation regarding this:
That Figure on Mars? It's Just a Rock. The thing is? I am sad only because a scientist was not in charge of this headline because it would have been more along the lines of "That Figure on Mars? IT'S JUST A FUCKING ROCKING, YOU NINNIES. OMFG. WILL YOU PLEASE JUST STFU AND GO BACK TO PICKING AT IMAGINARY FIBERS FROM YOUR SKIN? NNNNNGH." And that right there? That's an eye-catching headline, especially since the article would have had to have been published incomplete and posthumously because the author's brain would have exploded inside his or her skull before finishing the first draft. Or at least that's the impression I get from others within the scientific community. The ones who aren't laughing so hard, they're crying and drooling into their keyboards, anyway.
God. In my heart of hearts, I do believe House and the Winchester brothers have secretly bumped into each other online, all three drunk and all three under fabulously fake handles (well, Sam and Dean would be sharing one), all taking evil pleasure from trolling away and messing with people's heads about the Mars stuff. House? Because he is House and updating wikis with fake information about Martians is the next best thing to porn and updating wikis with fake information about Cuddy. Sam and Dean? Because UFOs and the like canonically don't exist in their 'verse and those two must ♥ occasionally twitting nutbars. That'd be, like, right up there with finding porn and reading about this hot, lonely, possibly transgendered hospital administrator in New Jersey who is rumored to be the actual Jersey Devil.
Oh, holy shit. I'd forgotten I'd started that story (one of oh-so-many) for a friend based on
this drabble until just now, which in turn led to
this unofficial SPN/House/BtVS vignette, which made me laugh all over again upon reading it and its revisions. Goddamn. Good thing I've got my PC on its way to being set up, even if it's not OL yet. Maybe I'll just polish up what I have and post "Mother Leeds' Thirteenth Child" as a stand-alone. Hm. Be one more thing out of the WIP folder AND NO I HAVEN'T MISSED THE PART WHERE I FAILED AT MY HOPE FOR YULETIDE. *runs off to hide in shame (and also to write omg)*