Today just did not go all that well. I've decompressed a little and answered about half of the replies I owe, which isn't great but it's better than a) none and b) unhinging mid-comment on some unsuspecting soul.
That said, rather than spending my evening feeling grim, I'm going to follow through on my desire to point out some friends and fanfiction I consider treasures because of the way they make me shine.
margeauxmay, I apologize for the delay. Last week...well. Not the week I expected to have. And if I'm subdue and understated now, that's because my tiredness is calling most of the shots tonight.
romanticalgirl writes fun HOUSE shortfic because she not only keeps the characters in character, but she doesn't fixate on a particular OTP. She does amazing things in exploring the interactions between various individuals, even presenting hook-ups between characters in some scenarios that I'd never consider plausible yet believe entirely while I'm reading her work. Even the guilty pleasure PWPs aren't just casual fluff pieces -- there's all the snark and clinical terms and awkward bits that have to be there for this to truly be a part of the Houseverse. I've been enjoying her ffic at her LJ. I hope you do, too. (She even has other fandoms, though I haven't yet moved on to them yet.)
runpunkrun has been a long-standing source of stellar fic, particularly in XF and SV. (She's branched into SGA...witness my surprise.) The thing is, I read her stories for shows I've never seen: Sports Night, due South, West Wing. She's just one of those writers who's that damned good at writing actual stories, as opposed to fanfic that can only be accessed by members of that particular fandom. She kicks ass. And if she's not already kicking yours, what are you waiting for? Go find your stop at
The Underground.
marinarusalka...oh, man. I can rec all sorts of stories she's written. For tonight? I'm sending you to her
SPN fic. I read "Bargains" tonight and I must highly recommend it. Sam and Dean were fantastically in character, bickering and brave. (She has a special touch with Dean that I admire greatly because I can already see how he'd be easy to mangle into someone entirely OOC and unrecognizable.) The story was beautifully researched (and I think you can see one of the reasons I love her) and had the feel of an ep. Good stuff. Check her out.
Ivory Gates is debating about whether she's going to set up hew own LJ. For now, I'll be hosting the two HOTEL SEX sequels here. More importantly, you can read her newest SG-1 story
How Strait the Gate. There's slash, yes, but that's all I'll say because there's so, so much more in such a relatively short story. I don't want to spoil a thing. Go. Read. Now.
I have another round of recs I'll be making but this should hold for the nonce. I hope you find something you enjoy and cheerfully squee at the authors for their fine work.