Oh, Pushing Daisies. I cannot wait to see the increasingly kinky porn (possibly largely drawn from techniques I recall from Logan/Rogue fic) between Ned and Chuck. I ♥ this show for being such exquisite fairy tale crack. *dreamy sigh*
So far? House has largely gotten its game back. Holy crow. I've been cackling with far more evil delight than I can remember doing last year. Also? Any time both House and Wilson share a moment of synchronized ogling-Cuddy's-ass is a beautiful thing.
Heroes is definitely holding my attention. I just wish we could have access to the behind-the-scenes "Molly has two daddies" jokes which fandom alone cannot be making, especially given the senses of humor demonstrated by the actors in question. *bites lip so hard*
Season premiere of SPN made me happy for all sorts of reasons. Hopefully, I'll be set up soon so I can squee and speculate with friends during the commercial breaks again. That remains one of my favorite parts about the fandom. :)
Flash Gordon is so my guilty pleasure, the show I adore the way I do the occasional jar of semi-viscous "cheese product" dip. It's, like, they've got a five hundred dollar budget and they are by DAMN going to make that work for the whole season. ♥! Considering that's not too far off (allowing for inflation) from the budgets older BBC genre shows had, I'm so totally okay with that.
Besides, how could I not love a show that finds every stupid reason possible to dress Flash in shiny slaveboy and haremboy outfits, complete with satin leash, and put him in varying types of alien bondage omg. *bliss* It's not quite up there with the original Wild, Wild West for successfully catapulting a young girl into her first awareness of the concept of "subtext," but I have faith FG could totally get there. (Points to Eric for managing to outwoobie Jensen in one particular woobie scene, btw. I didn't think that was even possible but, lo, the Überwooooooooooobie did appear. Rock on, EJ. It's wonderful to see you in a part you're doing so much with -- I hope it's a good stepping stone for you.) Also? Baron, you can actually bring out inflection to the lines Aura delivers. YOU ARE A MIRACLE MAN (and also, hi, in need of being stripped to the waist or even to the boots very soon for some ridiculous reason. Alternately, you and Flash both in those slaveboy disguises? *flails* WHY HAS THIS NOT ALREADY HAPPENED OMG.)
I've also caught enough eps of Journeyman to be pretty damned impressed with the choices made regarding the character interactions and the non-traditional decision for the main character to actually be open and honest with his wife. (Well, about most stuff.) Dunno how closely I'll follow it, but I've approved of what I've watched. Mad Men is a little too soapy for me to get well and truly invested, but the historical stuff is fascinating. Thumbs up to it, too.
In conclusion, I'm currently watching a discussing play out between pathologists about what to do with this guy who has to have his foot amputated, but wants it back so that when he eventually dies, it can be buried with him. He's not Native American and the request does not appear to be of a religious nature (this point made for some fabulously insane patho-wanking.) This dude is otherwise reasonably healthy and can easily be expected to live another thirty or forty years. Current opinion (besides "perhaps a psych consult?" which spawned the awesome patho-wankage) seems to be for the hospital to sign the foot over to some understanding, cooperative funeral home for foster care. It is a necessary-yet-totally-batshit discussion and it is so made of WIN.
Eta I wrote this last night but lost 'net access. Now I'm trundling off to find out what's the deal with my extra-bum knee. :)