Still no 'net access from the apartment. Yesterday was the first time I've felt a little bit of a twitch over that, which is fairly remarkable for me. The evening proved to be productive in a writery sense rather than the expected domestic one. S'okay. There's tonight since I have a hell of a headache already and don't particularly want to sit in front of the computer more than I have to today.
I've had a chance to think through things regarding next season's DW, last year's TW, and will probably meta a bit on both in the next day or so. I fixed a bit in the Fourth Fit of HoS that I've hated for forever but couldn't figure out how to change. I opened up "Precious Moments," which is the third time that Dean bats his lashes during a hunt, and cracked up at a line I'd completely forgotten was in there. (Oh, John.)
I've also wound up with a string of random scenes of Jack snogging random people, including Simon Tam because I just can't get over how much the actor who played the other Captain Jack resembled a very tall Sean Maher at times. (It was something about his eyelashes and the shape of his mouth, particularly when he grinned at Jack the way he did, that did it, I think.) My favorite of these is the one that opens with Jack waking up in bed next to a hot older woman, greeting her cozily, then rolling over and being equally cozy with her slightly younger but equally hot husband. I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do with these scenes, although I have a feeling Jack totally managed to score with the couple on their honeymoon.
After watching "The Runaway Bride" over the weekend and, more critically in parts last night, I've given in and decided to introduce Donna to Jack in one of the Five Times licking stories. I can't help myself. I love the idea of Donna wrangling both the Doctor and Jack at the same time, especially if the Doctor is running around and licking random things.
I'm going to love Donna as a Companion because it will be so fun to have a character around who just does not think of the Doctor as remotely shaggable. She officially won me over when the Doctor drapes his coat over her shoulders and she makes that comment about how skinny he is and how his coat wouldn't fit a rat. That line right there, that well and truly set her apart from the other new series' Companions we've had. Rose, Jack, Martha, even Jackie...they'd all hit that. (Okay, Jackie was more about hittin' that with Nine but still. Also, I don't list Mickey here because he's possibly the only straight guy besides Rhys in the entire Whoniverse. I'm doing that digressing thing again, though.)
When Donna made that remark, I fell in love with her because she didn't find anything remotely dreamy in what was, for the Doctor, a fairly romantic gesture. (I'm using romantic here in the chivalrous sense, btw.) Even if it hadn't been her wedding day, unlike Rose or last season's Martha, it would never occur to Donna to breathe in his scent on the jacket or register that it was still warm from his skin. It was a nice enough gesture, but only because the gesture is nice in and of itself and not because the gesture was from the Doctor. That's a dynamic we haven't had a chance to see at play in the new series, with the possible exception of the time Jackie threatened to kill the Doctor if they ended up on Mars.
I love the thought of the Doctor and Donna being appalled and maybe a little bit squicked in a vaguely sibling way at anyone (or anything) regarding the other as a sexual being. Donna would not hesitate to stick her finger down her throat and make puke noises at someone mooning over the Doctor and, better still, she'll mean it. And, man, just imagine the fun if (or more likely when) someone mistakes them for a couple -- we will actually be able to see their respective skins crawl even if they aren't on-screen. That right there? Makes me SO HAPPY.
My list of reasons to not fret being without Martha until mid-season continues. Donna will haul off and smack the Doctor when he deserves it; she'll upbraid him over pockets and bleeping her because he really can be thick some times; she'll shrug off epic events because she'd been hungover or scuba-diving at the time. Oh, and she'll hopefully persist in referring to him as a Martian, at times to annoy him and at times in a shared private joke way.
Mostly, though, I just love the thought of the Doctor having a Companion for a little while who can give him that harried, wild-eyed, slightly panicked look Ten can get around a loud, emotional woman. Which reminds me...think how fun it will be when Martha returns with her new self-assurance and possible epic shagging of Dr. Tom. I see echoes of the Doctor's "oh shit" moment when he walked in on Sarah Jane and Rose bonding once Donna and Martha have a chance to swap a few stories.
Besides, Catherine Tate and David Tennant are wonderfully well-met as comedic actors. She pushes him and he reins her in, and both do so just enough to put a brilliant polish on each other's performances.
So, yeah. There are my thoughts on the matter at present. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to Donna outnumbering Jack and the Doctor by sheer force of will. :D