I've had a couple of requests to re-upload my SPN fanmixes. (Glad to know y'all are willing to give the music a chance. *g*) In case you've missed any or all of them and want to check 'em out, I'm sending you to the original entries because you can find the amazing artwork that
gigglingkat has done for these.
Heaven, Hell, or Houston: Perhaps We'll Meet
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Comments 85
I hope things are progressing as smoothly as possible for your impending move. When do you roll on out for your new digs?
As for the move, I suppose that depends on your definition of "smoothly." There have been no rains of toads, for instance, which is good. Otherwise...well, let's just say that Thursday nights are what's keeping me sane.
We have until the 14th to get everything packed and ready to go, then we're on vacation in CA for two weeks. Once we're home again, the movers show up, load the stuff, and we head out. At the moment we're woefully unprepared, but I'm drinking heavily in an effort to make it all look better than it really does. (Kidding!)
I'm glad y'all get a little bit of a break in California before the move. That's wonderful. As for being woefully unprepared? Anyone with her shit together prior to a major move clearly is possessed by something truly dark and not of this world. You just keep boozin', baby -- think of it as a particularly tasty anti-psychotic med. :D
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And, yeah, the last two were the earliest. I just went straight down my music entries and updated everything for a couple of lovely people who sent me very kind requests to do so. I also knew that few of my now-regular LJ friends probably hadn't caught some of these before so I figured it was a total win just to update this way.
Hope you dig the new-to-you mixes. I know I've had fun listening to them again today. :)
Anyway. Have happy thoughts of Dean as you listen to this mix. ♥!
I'm really glad you're digging the music so far. :D
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