My afternoon turned unexpectedly frustrating, but I mostly regained my Zen by getting my geek on. I'm delighted that current finds in archaeology are actually rocking out with insight into various bits of legend, magic spells, and other random stuff.
Sacred Cave of Rome's Founders Discovered Most of y'all probably know the story of
Romulus and
Read more... )
*off to read*
Though I'll confess to being more interested in who's in the jars...
"An animal-creature mythological being," is how this field worker described the gaping, hairy 6-foot creature he glimpsed.
The rest of the world? Totally calls that "one of the hippies from Eugene." :D
That jar story is pretty cool, isn't it? I love those kind of "...WTF?" moments. Here's another fun one I was just reading, in which a skeleton long thought to be a monk's is likely a woman's bones. Good times.
Well, if some people believe there was a female Pope, then I suppose a female monk wouldn't be out of the question? Right?
I'm just giggling at the idea of the osteoarcheologist looking at this skeleton and being all "Oh, for fuck's...did anyone even look at the pelvis at some point in the last forty years? Hello?" :D
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