Sep 11, 2006 14:20
So far my first week on campus has been glorious. That could be a little overstatement but compared to the first year I spent here everything is exponentially better. On the first day in my new apartment I spent more time socializing with my roommates than I did all of last year and in the first week, have spent more time out of my room and socializing with people on campus. It's really been an unexpected and tasty treat, nearly as tasty as the Frosty's were during the Frosty run last night. "I tried making them at home but they just weren't the same. (1)"
In other news, I'm kind of having doubts about my major again. I really don't mind accounting and like the numbers and stuff, but I just don't find doing the work all that interesting. I tried on several occasions this weekend to get some of it done but always end up on You Tube watching videos or going by the neighbors to watch Mel Brooks movies. Speaking of which, I finally watched Young Frankenstein for the first time this weekend, and it was frickin' brilliant. But any hoot, I guess I'd find doing something in the writing field more interesting. Of course, the ultimate dream would be doing movie reviews or going into a more creative field of writing movies or television shows. So I'm not really sure anymore. Since James Gunn, (writer of such great movies as SLiTHER, Dawn of the Dead (2004), Scooby-Doo) said the best way to work on your writing is to sit down and do that, I would type out a blog entry. Can't hurt any. I guess I'll go through this semester and try my hardest in the accounting field and then maybe go the more creative route next semester if I'm not happy. I did well in my writing classes at UWWC when it came to the creative stuff, I didn't do that well on writing stuff that has happened in my personal life because quite frankly, I didn't have much to write about. My papers on "steroids and sports" and "internet piracy" both got good grades, so I'm sure their could be some sort of low paying future in it for me but then I'd have to give up the almost guaranteed noticeable chunk of change that you get paid for doing the number crunching in a cubicle.
Other wise, things are peachy keen. James is a phenomenal roommate and very inviting when it comes to hanging out with his friends. I met a lot of awesome people through him including the fine folks that live on the other side of the wall and his girlfriend and her gang. Dan has been really cool and it's nice to have someone to sit around and wax philosophically over the over sequelization of Hollywood and Snakes on a Plane. Michael, the guy I'm sharing a room with is basically what I wanted in a stranger that I have to share a room with. He's a fellow accounting student and transfer student and we are in two classes together which means a "study buddy (2)." Another nice thing from my semi-selficous vantage point, is he goes home weekends to work and be with his girlfriend, which means that I have the room to myself so I can have all the sexy parties that I want and can even stay up all night if I want to. The only thing that sucks about the apartment is whenever I'm by the computer there seems to be a fly buzzing around my head at all times. Granted this occurrence could happen at any place but that seems to be the only negative thing I can think of at this time.
One other bit of fun news is that I'm getting a new cellular telephone communication device this weekend. It looks extremely shiny and features the "autograph of the 21st century (3)" mode. It will also feature a screen that will actually be able to be seen when there are lights present. I will have the same number so for those of you who never call me, you can still not call me at the same number.
Well, I've got about an hour before class and some homework to do for it, so I'm going to watch Gilmore Girls and think about doing homework. That's almost as good as doing it, right?
(1) Mr. Deeds reference
(2) Said in my best Alyson Hannigan voice from Buffy.
(3) Referencing Summer in The O.C. who said that camera phones are the autographs of the 21st Century.