May 10, 2006 19:05
Holy fucking Moses! Another year of school done with and a very exciting summer is on the way. I'm seriously going to cherish this summer more than I ever have. It's been an extremely difficult and quite frankly a really fucking lonely 8 months. And while I really want to see She's The Man and ATL (Larry The Cable Guy's flick starts too, but fuck that shit) at the Budget Theater this weekend, I'm not going to mind being in the basement playing Guitar Hero on a 27-inch TV, that's for damn sure.
I figured since I've officially taken my last exam, this would be a good time to start writing some jibba-jabba, since I don't watch anything on Wednesday nights anyway. Well, I was going to watch the streaming episode of LOST on, like I did for the recap, but the schools internet licks so much testicles that the video wouldn't load because the connection is too slow. I'm certainly not going to miss this Internet connection, that's for damn sure. Seriously, it's like dial-up speeds for T1 housing charges, it's great. I don't get why they don't just give everyone a Roadrunner line in their dorm since they have a deal with Time Warner for the TV.
This week has been pretty fun though. Granted the studying has licked balls, but I've taken the studying time to work on my multitasking skills by listening to podcasts while studying. Which basically means that I've been listening to podcasts on my iPod, even though I'm right by my computer, and my books are laying open on the floor while I look up the latest announcements from E3. Lots of This Week in Tech and This Week in Media so I can find out more information about those great little technological devices that make life so easy yet I couldn't afford without selling vital organs on the black market. I also have the complete collection of The Ricky Gervais Show radio broadcasts from 2001-2005 on my computer and I've been easily going through about 2 of those a day. That is some of the most entertaining stuff on the planet.
Back to this summer though, it's going to be fun. I'll be in a softball team that plays every Thursday night. From the sounds of things thus far, I'm going to be assistant manager and catcher. And it sounds like Anthony is going to have Video Gameapalooza at his place on Wednesdays, which will also be the day we do our infamous Cohen runs. So Wednesdays are going to be the kick. I should have more limited weekend hours, which is great. I'll actually be able to get out and do stuff instead of working 8 hours every Saturday. I should still be around 40 hours during the week at the Pig too, which will help give the school more money.
I know you're dieing to know what I've done since I've last updated you about my where-abouts. Last Thursday was a pretty legendary day. I got to eat some free pizza, unfortintley not nearly enough though, at the ASA End of the Year social and afterwards, I went to the Mercury 1 Wrestling show in Green Bay, where the best up and coming wrestler in the business today, Samoa Joe was going to be performing. During the intermission of the show, I plunked down some green, and was able to climb in the ring and get a picture with Joe, which you can see at my MySpace page or Facebook page. Needless to say, he absolutely tore it up in the ring and it was great to be in the front row for one of his matches.
Since I pretty much stopped watching wrestling in 2003, I decided with the recent announcement of ECW making it's return and with TNA putting on great events all the time, I would start watching it again. So I watched Raw last week (which is where I found out about the Samoa Joe thing) and it's been almost total non-stop wrestling since then. I watched almost an entire ECW PPV after Raw, watched a couple of Samoa Joe matches via YouTube and then Saturday night I watched 6 and a half hours of Velocity and Heat online because I really didn't have anything else to do. Professional wrestling has once again invaded my soul and it's good to be back.
Speaking of getting stinkfisted, the school bookstore has once again invaded my asshole. After plunking down a cool $500 for four books, I got a whoping $110 back. Granted I kept one of my books because it's THE only accounting textbook I'll ever need according to my accounting teacher. Also, the school had no use for my Business Law textbook, which I only used once the entire semester. The teacher announced after I bought my book, that none of the exam questions would come from the book but would instead come from his lectures. I only used it once for one case problem and now I'll get to lug the damn thing around with me for the rest of my life. Thanks bookstore!
Back to Comics. I really like the new Civil War mini-series that Marvel is putting out. It's written by one of the best in the business, Mark Millar. And it's an extremely well done book and even if you don't read any comics, it's one that you can pick up and understand without 700 crossover books to explain the rest of the story. Also, DC Comics had a brilliant idea with it's All Star line. Get together an all star writer and artist, pair them up with a great character and it will be comic book gold.... if it ever comes out. Frank Miller and Jim Lee teamed together to release All Star Batman and Robin, with the first issue coming out last July. We're in May and issue 4 is just about to hit shelves next week, if it doesn't get pushed back yet again. I'm kind of wishing that they would have required Frank Miller to turn in all the scripts before attacking this project because waiting 4 months inbetween comics is extremely annoying.
Well, I'm tired of typing and I'm sure you're tired of reading my drivel, so I'm going to end this now and start reading some comics and maybe watch a movie. Probably Sin City, that is unless my computer turns into Frank Miller and becomes too lazy to show it. I'm out.