I got a lot of free food and it didn't even cost me any booty

Mar 13, 2006 21:55

I woke up at 8:27 and spent some time surfing the net before taking a shower. I had some accouting homework due at noon, so I worked on that for about an hour before getting it done and then realizing that there were a huge amount of awesome weblinks this morning, so I watched them for a while before going to school. See this weekend was a very weak one for weblinks, but I found the best links I could. But because I wasn't extremely happy with them today, I'm going to be posting three weblinks which hopefully you'll enjoy.

So I drove to school today because I wanted to be able to make a fast exit after class because I had my first ever Accounting Student Association meeting. That's right, I actually joined an organization at school. The meeting was going to start at 5:00 in a building about 10 minutes away from school and my class didn't finish until 4:45. Well after going to my accounting seminar class and talking to the teacher she said that blue jeans probably shouldn't be worn, so after class I ran back to the FOS to throw on a nice sweater and a pair of khakis so I would look good for the night. Also during the accounting seminar, I talked to a dude named Taylor who was pretty cool. So that's right boys and girls, I joined a school organization and actually had a conversation with a person I didn't know. It's the beginning of a new era of Brent and it's an exciting time at that.

So after changing, I entered my accounting class a few minutes late. The professor started talking about accounting stuff that you wouldn't understand (because I didn't understand it) and mentioned that cash in these problems is called boot. One theory on why it's called boot is because of the pirate term for money is booty. So this lead to a lot of innuendo about making exchanges with booty and who receives the booty. I was pretty much laughing the entire class. Towards the end, I decided that I'm officially never using the word cash again and just referring to it as booty from now on. I spent some time thinking about what I'd have to change and thought of Johnny Cash, so to me, The Man in Black is now Johnny Booty.

I went to Business Law and was just praying that the teacher wouldn't go on too long, so I could have some more time to find the building the ASA meeting was being held in. The meeting was held downtown and I'm not really that familiar with the downtown area. We got done with class about 7 minutes early, so I made my way to the building. It wasn't very hard to find, allthough in pursuit of finding the parking lot, I had to make a U-Turn in a Holiday Inn parking lot.

The meeting was pretty fun and informal and I learned a lot about WPS, which is a resource corporation and like provides power to buildings and that kind of stuff. I ended up getting this awesome mini-notebook thing that I'll probably never use because it's too big to carry around but not big enough for a notebook, but it's kick ass. Spent a little time talking with Taylor and one of the main ASA peeps, Tiffany. Plus, WPS was serving some 'za after the Q&A session so I scored on some huge slices of that. It was Papa John's stuff too and that shit's fancy.

After the meeting, I had just enough time to get back home, take a leak, sit down and just made it before the new episode of 24 started. After 24, I listened to the newest episode of the Ricky Gervais Show and some Rodney Dangerfield stand-up. I'm finishing up the night with The Daily Show, The Colbert Report and possibly the re-run of Conan because Howie Mandel is on. I really need some booty.

Weblinks of the Day: Possibly the best part of the Conan O'Brien Finland Special from Friday Night (VIDEO)

Top Ten Baseball Fights in honor of the upcoming baseball season (VIDEO)

A huge collection of 70's, 80's, and 90's TV Theme Songs

A shiny shot of Rooker and Gregg Henry.

Another gorram picture of Jenna Fischer, because I like her booty (but what booty am I refering to?).
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