Jan 26, 2005 21:40
My mother needs to cut the fucking cord already. I've spent sixteen years being the person she wants me to be, now it's my turn to start calling the shots in my own life. It won't be long before I'll be forced out into the real world, and Mommy won't be there to shelter me anymore. She's really taken to hovering over my shoulder while I'm on the computer lately. Excuse me, but this makes me more aggravated than pretty much anything I can think of at the moment. The sooner she realizes a few things, the better. For example:
-I am smart enough to learn from her mistakes. This doesn't mean I wish to grow into the woman she wished to grow into
-Highschool is bullshit
-The "You've never given me a reason not to trust you..." line is starting to sound like bullshit
-The "Stay true to yourself" line always was bullshit
-I don't believe you owe someone respect just because they are older than you. You owe other people respect because they are human beings.
-Some people abuse the above privelege. This is when you take it away, senority is irrelevant
-I know more about the real-world than she will admit
-I have breasts. Other people are bound to notice this.
-She is very lucky to have ended up with me. She could have done much, much worse.
-I believe in doing what ever you want with your mind/your body/other consenting people as long as it doesnt hurt others
-I don't want to be a teacher
-I don't want to get married
-I don't want children
-I have values. If you try to make me change them, I get bitchy. You could be the fucking pope for all I care, this fact never changes
-I pick fights that I think I can win. This isn't cowardly; It's smart
-No matter how you cut, color or otherwise torture it, hair grows back
-I will never be a good Catholic housewife
-I respect her and her opinion more than any other person I know. Not counting myself.
-My fucked up genetics are half hers, like it or not
-I really don't care that she doesn't like the idea of an online journal
-I am not from the same generation as she is, therefore my values are different than hers.
-"Dirty words" do not offend me in the least
-Sexuality (either homo or hetero) does not irk me in the least. In fact, I enjoy it.
-"I am shamelessly self-absorbed" I find this fact delightful.
-I am entirely confident in my own opinions, body, voice, sexuality and individuality
-My goals are somewhat radical and unconventional (rock star, suicide girl...not things that make a mother proud)
-None of these things make me a bad role model. I actually believe quite the opposite
Thank you and goodnight.
P.S. Big colorful marquee prize to anyone who knows what a suicide girl is w/ out looking it up. (I wouldn't recommend looking it up)
P.P.S tomorrow is MATHTHURSDAY!