Election Night 2006 Part 2

Nov 07, 2006 22:48

Today, several major amendments were passed in states all over.

In Arizona today, an amendment to make English the official state language was passed, showing America's bitterness towards not only illegal immigrants but immigrants in general.

Eight states have same-sex-marriage bans on their ballots, and in four states, South Carolina, Tennesee, Virginia, and Wisconsin, these have passed. In Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, and South Dakota, the results haven't come out cleanly but I will keep you updated. After today, same-sex-marriage bans could possibly be in place in 28 states in the country.

In Colorado, an amendment to legalize marijuana looks to have been defeated., 63% to 37%. Also, in Nevada it looks to have been defeated, 43% to 57%

Another MAJOR amendment would be an in Missouri, one that stands to allow stem cell research, and right now, the race is tight, with 48% saying yes, and 52% saying no, with 51% reporting.

A ban on nearly all abortions in South Dakota looks to have been defeated, which is a very positive thing. It was a very strict amendment leaving no freedom to the women of South Dakota.

Right now, the House stands Democrat 182 to Republican 146. The Senate still stands Democrat 48 to Republican 46.

- Colin
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