Mar 13, 2005 20:05
well this weekend was nothing great with the exception of saturday. Saturday was awesome. Jake and Joe of Fight Back couldnt make it to their show so they needed a bass player, they were apperently fine with 1 guitarist. So at about 1 i go and learn all their songs and then we head out to Burlington Iowa. The ride there was hilarious, alot of funny stories and other ish. While in Burlington we saw the worlds curviest alley and some other places. then we accidentally found the venue while we were driving around looking at things. that was really weird. so we get unloaded then go eat some blimpie, come back and play. it was the first out of town show for them so it was pretty cool to be a part of it. I was really appreciative just to be able to play a show again, so thanks to nate, zach, and kyle for that, it was awesome, and heck even jared haha. those kids are so sweet, i enjoyed playing with them alot, i dont even care that it was hardcore and i dont play hardcore, i would with kids like that, and its pretty fun too. after the show we saw some hilarious things like a kid getting straight up kicked in the butthole by another kid that took a running start....that kid got a free demo. some little kid bought a whole bunch of buttons so we gave him a free demo too, he was awesome. The ride home was nothing short of hilarious and convincing jared williams that kyle goodman used to be retarded but got it fixed by surgery was so effing funny. fast forward to the end of the night, nate helps me and zach unload, by protecting us from the ghosts in zachs grandpas house with a board with nails in it, and zach had brass and a baseball bat, those ghosts were lucky they didnt get effed up.
last hockey game of the season was today, we lost, but we were ready to be done.
and my car's ignition is messed up and the key wont turn, so its stranded at Owens Center, and i have to go get it.
oh and the headline band at the show (not death to your king), liked to talk alot and called us Straight Back, then Play Back....then said we were from Burlington, before getting PWN3D by someone in the crowd that said Fight Back, Peoria Illinois.......effing tools (they messed with kyles amp too, thinking it would help)
alot of random and dumb information is in there so have fun reading that ish