[if he could breathe he'd be out of breath, but instead he just feels... well it's a lot of ow. Being beaten up by a Child of the Partners, a building nearly falling on him, oh... being told his friend is dead... sending his son away... it's been a night of ow, and now he's here. Wherever here is, and apparently still in a bit of pain]
[gets up and moves to the center of the room with a bit of a uhhh...? look on his face. He moves to the desk, flips the pages a bit... furrows his brow and flips some more taking a seat. He does love to read after all. Then there's a lot of silence, and he opts to just start writing because the things he's seen? Well... this is the least weird thing to be honest. Plus it's not Pylea]
[very neat well disciplined penmanship]
It seems the Powers that like to play hackysack with me have opted to drop me here. I don't know why, I don't know how and from what I gather no one here knows how to get out.
I just [a few hesitant starts - but he doesn't finish instead he's off to wander the castle looking for people he knows, because he really doesn't trust what he's read at ALL]