i've been missing for awhile..

Mar 18, 2009 15:19

I'm finally done with the mocks, and very soon, I have alot of revision lessons coming up. And i'm down to less than two months to my finals.

I have put alot of stress on myself, but that stress is not enough to keep me going for more than an hour studying. So a few weeks more I'm done with my exams, but I don't know if im good enough to be out there finding a job, or, if anyone would even want to hire me.

Having more papers than anyone does not help either. Having the the people around me, talk about the possibilities of looking for a job is creating more stress for me and it does not help because you are not me, you are not the ones taking two extra papers.

I don't blame anyone, but myself for this position I'm in.
Its times like these where i realise there is no one I can depend on but myself.
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